Chapter 23; Special night ✨️

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Half a day had passed, mom had told me and Rayan that today evening we had to leave to reach Bi jaan's house, she was our grandmother, we had no blood relationship with her, but since we were children, Rayan Aynoor, I and Ali (Hani's son) , went there in the countryside to spend our summer holidays. We had to leave in half an hour so I didn't even have much time to pack, we were late because after breakfast we went to have my wound checked. "I'll wait for you down", said Rayan coming out of the bathroom, he was dressed casually, he was wearing a sweatshirt with track pants, I stopped doing what I was doing, his hair was messy , in fact he went over to the mirror to do his usual hair , to tell the truth he was much more handsome with his messy hair , not even 2 minutes he had already finished, my eyes moved according to his movements and after he was ready he left the room, he didn't even know that I was looking, he didn't notice any of my different attitudes it was just me who felt different. I quickly packed up, and told Ali to take bags down, Ali was Hani's son, he worked here as a driver, but he was just like a son of the house, he too had grown up with us and Hani was just a part of the family too. I got out and went and sat in the car, it was one of the first times Rayan wasn't driving so he was behind with me, the journey was not long about 2 hour from our house, however on reaching it it would become night.

Rayan as always was busy on the computer, I was sitting doing nothing, I was looking out the window, but suddenly my phone rang, it was Azlan, I immediately turned off the call, and put it on silent, after the accident that happened with me and after i got home he called me several times but i didn't have the time and i didn't wants to answer, i was looking out the window but he called me again and if i wanted him to stop then i had to answer and so i did. "Hey Masheal, you haven't been in touch since, how are you?", he said, but since I couldn't say his name, I replied, eh, I was busy, I'm fine though, you tell me why are you calling me?, " You can't just disappear like this, it must have been Rayan who stopped you from calling", no! I know what I have to do, I know which is my best and which is my worst, "So you didn't see me as your best?" he said with a sigh, get to the point why did you call me?, "I just wanted to tell you I'm coming to Pakistan and so I'm coming to talk to you at your house tomorrow", no no I'm not at home, I'm going to Bi jaan, "Masheal I need to talk to you, I know you're avoiding me so I'll come to your house tomorrow" , Azl-- hmmm I'm telling you I won't be home, but he had already disconnected, Ahhhh how dare he disconnect me and then like this! I said furiously and loudly, "What happened", Rayan asked still looking at the computer screen, nothing, nothing happened, I said placing the phone on the seat and leaning my head on the headrest to rest a bit.

"Masheal wake up" Rayan said moving my hair out of my face, sorry...are we there yet? I asked since I didn't understand as he already got out of the car and opened the car door on my side, "Yes we're there now get out" he said moving so I could get out, I was going to get my bag and my phone but I saw that he already had it in his hand, "Be careful when you get off", he said trying to take my hand but I was already down, I knew he was holding my bag and my phone but I said the same, wait for that I take my things, I said lowering to see in the car, "No no I have everything in hand", it was nice to hear him say it, even if he only acted like this because I was sick but it was nice to feel his first priority, he had in his left hand my purse and phone and I was walking to his right, I don't know when he took the purse in his other hand and grabbed my hand with his left hand, I stood still when he touched my hand, I reached down to see how he held my hand and since I wasn't touching his hand he moved his arm a little it was evident that he wanted me to touch his hand in fact not much but a little i touches it and I left my arm free to him, Bi jaan was waiting for us at the door which we had almost reached.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
From EX to HUSBANDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang