"That's not my call and it isn't yours either. Besides, he's sick and last I heard he doesn't have much longer"

"He's not sick Zac! That's all apart of his plan to get close enough to you to take you out! That way he keeps all his muh—" she immediately shut up, hearing herself say too much. "Zac please just listen to me. I just need you to—"

"If you came here to ask me to commit a murder for you, I'm not fucking doing it" Zac quickly threw out for her.

"No Zac..that's not what I need. I have some guys..some of Rod's guys and they want out just as bad as I do" she paused to read his 'face, making sure she still had his attention.

"They told me they would handle it but.." she paused thinking for a minute, "But because of the street law they live by, they need your acceptance and word of no retaliation"

The room grew eerily silent as Zac sat back behind his desk. He controlled his breathing as his mind got the best of him. At this point, he just wanted it all to be over. He never asked for a perfect life but he didn't ask for this shit either.

"Tell them not to worry about retaliation. I don't get down like that anymore" Zac almost growled as his back came in contact with the rest of his chair. Jayda's eyes widen before anxiously looking around the room. He sat in deep thought, coming to terms with the words on the tip of his tongue in order to protect his family.

Zac peered up at her, not lifting his head but still holding her stare. "Tell them make him unrecognizable."

The tightness in Jayda's chest instantly eased as she daydreamed of her enjoying every penny of Rod's money and flying away to start a new life on the coast of Spain. Meanwhile, Zac would be spending the rest of his life behind bars for a murder he didn't commit being that Rod was beat to death by a gang of men he had crossed in a bet a few weeks after Junree was born. Jayda had a friend of hers start a rumor that she was behind it to throw Tierra off. She knew Fatima had already been in communication with her.

Once Zac was gone for good, she could put her plan to falsify the documents that listed Zac as the sole beneficiary of everything Rod owned or had ever made all handed over to her.

Easy, so she thought.

Present day...

Zac had quickly sobered up when he recognized Fatima's stance. Those fists she had cupped so tightly in front of her could do some damage; just like his. "Uh babe.." he tried, taking a step towards her. Fatima calmly stuck her arm out so her firm hand would collide with his chest making him stop where he stood.

"Oh, Fatima. Nice to see you again" Jayda slicked like the snack she was from the other side of the room. The sound of Zac smacking his lips in frustration quickly followed.

"Don't do that" Fatima warningly sung in Jayda's direction.

"Babe just let me talk to you" Zac insisted, trying to remove her hand from his chest but she kept it still before pushing just enough to make him stumble backward. "What the fuck are you doing Zachary?" Fatima voice roared in the silent room but she never raised it. "Me!? I know it looks bad but she was in my fucking room Fatima! I dont know how she got in here but she was!"

"You think I'm stupid don't you?" Fatima grazed her top row of teeth with her tongue as she pushed past him and into the room. Knowing Fatima, he knew nobody was going anywhere for the time being. He sighed and grabbed Fatima's bags from the hallway before he closed the room door.

"I'm only going to ask you this once" Fatima stated as she removed her jacket. Zac quickly ran to her side, countering his body between both women. "Fatima" he said urgently as his eyes pleaded for her to stop and listen. She glared at him, nothing changing about her mood.

Devoted To You (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant