"T-theres another, she's having twins." 

Twins! Maester Woldan never said anything about twins! We are having two!  A boy and a? Who even cares at this moment we are having two!

"Two?!" Dany asks with wide eyes before pain takes over her features again as her body tenses up.

"Just take deep breaths, and when you feel the need to pu-" Mother starts before She's cut off by a screaming Dany who clearly has the need  to push.

"Keep going khaleesi!" Missandei says a she holds little Robb while looking  between my wifes legs.

"I love you so much, your doing am-" I start before Dany cuts me off.

"I'm cutting your cock off! God's shut up Erik!" She bites my way and uhm have I ever said my wife can be very very scary? 

Seeing more sweat run down her face she soon archers her back of the bed again with a scream the whole WinterFell probably heard before her body drops back down on the bed.

"She's out, you did amazing." Mother says and wait what?

"S-she?" I ask and she gives me a nod as she wraps the tiny bundle into a blanket.

"A son and a daughter." Mother says with a big smile as she hand her  to Dany who's laying exhausted against me.

"Missandei could I?" I nervously ask her and she gives me a nod before handing me little Rob.

"Robb and Rhaella of the houses Stark and Targaryen." I softly say with a smile as I look down at my children and my wife.

"Children born of Fire and Ice." Dany says with a smile as she looks at Rhaella.


"How are you feeling?" I softly asks Dany as she lays against me while our children are fast asleep on my chest.

"Tired, sore but mostly happy." She says and I give her a smile as I look down at the small bundles.

"God's I don't think I could ever go through childbirth, I love you so much for  delivering our children." I say with a smile.

"Only because of that?" Dany asks, and I shake my head.

"No for so many other reasons, but this must be high up the list." I say before placing a kiss against the side of her head.

"You must be one of the few men who wilingly was with his wife during childbirth. And for that, you're also pretty high up the list. Also, for this, our children, you may have  the easy part, but it was still a team effort." Dany says, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"So I'm allowed to keep my cock?" I ask her with a grim and she bites down on my shoulder.

I may have taken my shirt  off. it's probably way more comfortable for our little ones to lay against my chest than against clothes.

"I haven't decided yet. But God's I can't believe Maester Woldan didn't know I was having twins." Dany says, and I give her a nod.

"I'm not less happy, in a way ever more now we've got a prince and a princess."

"No, of course you're not. You didn't have to give birth to twice. But I'm not less happy either, now we have a girl for you and a boy for me." Dany says, and I raise my brow at her words.

"No, you have the dragons. I'll take these two. Mother of dragons." I tease, and she raises her head off my shoulder and gives me her famous look.

"Alright, alright, we can share." I say with a chuckle, making her lean up and place her lips against mine.

"I never thought I would have this life, hold this kind of love. I thought I had it with Drogo, but the way I love you is real, not forced. After Viserys died, I wanted the Iron Throne, I craved it, but then I fell for you, gods here comes this Northern who didn't even have to try to steal my heart he just had it from the beginning." Dany says as she lays her head on my shoulder again.

"It's also not what I imagined would happen when I sailed east, I've always felt this pull to go east. I had it for years, but it left the day I saw you. My heart already belonged to you long before we've met Daenerys Stormborn, and now we have two children not born out of duty but born out of the love we hold for each other." I say before placing a kiss against the top of her head.

"Robb and Rhaella of the houses Stark and Targaryen, children of Fire and Ice." She whispers and I look down at the two with a smile.

"Our children."

Author's Note,

We'll you guys got two 🎉🎉🎉 also what do you guys want/think will they look like Targaryen's or Stark's? Or a mix? Leave a comment and vote

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