Jilix-my comfort

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Han had been receiving a lot of hate recently. Whether it was on twitter, youtube, instagram, or bubble, he was constantly faced with haters as he scrolled through the endless stream of comments. Telling him that he sucked. Telling him he was just dragging Stray Kids down. Telling him to quit, with some even going so far as to send him death threats. Even though there were millions of positive comments showering him with praise, he just felt like a burden to his group, thinking that he was pulling them down.

Why do they hate me so much? What did I ever do to them? Am I really that bad of a person? Do I really bother them that much?

These thoughts were continuously running through his mind, as he started to eat less, sleep less, and forced himself to work more and more. One day though, things got particularly bad, to the point that Han didn't even want to get out of bed. As he scrolled through the same comments criticising him, he felt a tear start to fall down his cheek. Then another. And another. Tears started to stream down his puffy cheeks, painting his eyes a bright red.

Meanwhile, Felix, his boyfriend, had noticed Han's recent change in demeanour, and how he was seeing him at home less and less. He decided to confront him about it. He gently knocked on Han's bedroom door, sweetly calling his name. When he got no response, he pushed open the door gently, only to be greeted by the devastating sight of jisung curled up on his bed, sobbing silently.

Felix's heart dropped and broke into a million pieces.

He slowly approached Han, trying not to startle him, and sat next to him on the bed. "Baby, is everything ok? what's the matter? why are you crying?" Felix asked in a soft and sweet voice, audibly worried. Han didn't answer, and simply shifted himself, putting his arms around Felix's waist and facing him. Han continued sobbing into Felix's shirt, while hugging him tightly. Felix softly caressed his hair and cheeks, hoping to calm him down a little.

"Jagi, should i just quit?" Han asked suddenly, sniffling a little afterwards, looking deep into his lover's eyes. Felix became very shocked and worried, what could have made Jisung think this? After all, Felix knew best that Jisung absolutely loved his job, whether it was producing songs for the group or just spending time with STAYs.

"Why do you want to quit all of a sudden?" Felix asked, trying to hide the fact that he was holding back tears. Jisung continued sobbing as he told Felix about all the hate he had been receiving, leading him to reconsider whether he should continue on his journey with Stray Kids.

Felix cupped Han's cheeks(A/N HANS CHEEKS ARE SO PUFFY AND CUTE EVERYTIME I THINK ABOUT THEM I JUST COMBUST), wiping away the tears falling on them. His heart broke when he saw his boyfriend's red puffy eyes, and tear streaks all over his cheeks.

"Those commenters aren't real fans," Felix says as he pulls out his phone. "If they were really our fans they would love you and appreciate you as you are." He randomly picked one of Han's recent posts, and scrolled through the comments, showing them to him. "Look, so many people love you just as you are, so why are you doubting yourself over a few people that are just jealous of how good you are." Felix proceeded to pepper Han with kisses all over his face, giggling when he saw Han smiling. Felix pecked him on his lips. "The members, the staff, and STAY all love you so much, and even if you don't believe that, know that I will always love you no matter what. If you have any doubts, worries, or anything at all, you can always come to me."

Upon hearing Felix's words, Han hugged Felix tightly, and snuggled in the crook of his neck. "Thanks so much, I love you."he said as he left kisses on his boyfriend's neck. He got up to face his boyfriend. "Can we cuddle?" Felix chuckled and nodded, before getting up, leaving Han confused. Felix giggled upon seeing Han's confusion. "I have to change my shirt first, it has your tears all over it. Besides, you should probably wash up a little first. You don't want to have swollen eyes later. " Han just then noticed the dark greyish spots all over Felix's shirt. He sheepishly apologised and got up to head to the bathroom.

5 minutes later the pair were in Han's bed, cuddling. Han's head on Felix's chest, their arms trapping each other tightly. Felix left kisses on Han's head, while gently playing with his hair. Han just smuggled even closer to Felix's chest and left a kiss there.

Words: 810

A/N: initially planned on doing a minho ff this week but decided to go with Jilix for their bday. Next week will most likely be seungmin but i cant think of a storyline rn hehe. I may take a break soon cos exams are in 2 weeks😭😭. Anyway, happy (belated) birthday to the sunshine twins han and felix, and thanks for always making STAYs days brighter. ❤️❤️

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