Chapter 16

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Few Days Later:

At School:

Kai's P.O.V:

Tik, tok, tik, tok, tik........... tok.
I just want time to finish!
I've been having this headache since 2 hours!
Since the Algebra Test.....
I don't believe that I'll pass that exam..
I couldn't concentrate at all! The simplest questions I couldn't think of them. Nausea was killing me. My breath was so heavy... I was or I am... dying slowly.....

I looked at board, my vision was blurry, as I looked at my book, realization took over me as I saw that I haven't written anything yet!

"Hey Kai, you ok?" Looking behind me, I saw Nya looking at me worried, I smiled as I nodded, clearly not wanting to attract attention, a simple "don't worry" escaped my mouth as I looked back at the board. It was clear Nya didn't believe me but she shrugged it anyway.

Lunch Time:
Third Person P.O.V:

Kai staggered into the bustling cafeteria, his stomach churning with nausea. His weak legs wobbled beneath him, a result of both his illness and the relentless abuse he endured at home. As he reached for a tray, Morrow's mocking laughter pierced the air.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence," Morrow sneered, his cronies snickering behind him.

Kai's eyes narrowed, fatigue giving way to a surge of determination. "Leave me alone, Morrow. I'm not in the mood for your games."

Morrow stepped closer, his menacing grin widening. "Or what, weakling? You gonna cry like a baby?"

Before Kai could respond, Morrow shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backward. Anger flared in Kai's chest, overshadowing the queasiness and exhaustion. With a roar of frustration, he lunged at Morrow, fists swinging wildly.

Their fists collided, echoing through the cafeteria as students watched in shock. Kai fought with a ferocity born of years of pent-up frustration, each blow fueled by the pain of his illness and his father's abuse. Morrow, taken off guard by Kai's sudden aggression, struggled to defend himself.

"Stop it, Kai!" a voice cried out from the crowd.

Kai froze, turning to see his friend, Skylor, pleading with him, tears glistening in her eyes. His fists dropped to his sides, the adrenaline fading, leaving him weak and shaky once more.

Morrow seized the opportunity, landing a final blow before backing away, his smirk triumphant. "That's right, Kai. Know your place."

Gasping for breath, Kai sank to his knees, the weight of his illness and his father's abuse crushing him. As the cafeteria buzzed with whispers, Kai closed his eyes, wishing for just a moment of peace amidst the chaos of his life.

Zane and Jay rushed over to Kai's side, concern etched on their faces as they helped him to his feet.

"Kai, are you okay?" Zane asked, his voice laced with worry.

Jay frowned, his eyes scanning Kai's pale face. "You need to stop getting into fights, man. It's not good for you, especially with..."

But before he could finish, Kai doubled over, coughing violently. Blood splattered onto the floor, sending a wave of panic through his friends.

"Kai!" Zane exclaimed, gripping his arm in alarm.

Ignoring the stares of the other students, Kai stumbled backward, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. "I-I need to go," he managed to choke out before breaking into a run, heading for the nearest bathroom.

Zane and Jay exchanged a worried glance before following after him, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. As they reached the bathroom, they found Kai hunched over a sink, retching uncontrollably.

"Kai, what's happening?" Zane asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Jay knelt beside Kai, placing a comforting hand on his back. "It's okay, Kai. Just focus on breathing."

But Kai could only shake his head, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion. Tears mingled with the blood on his cheeks as he whispered, "I can't do this anymore, guys. I swear to God I can't...."

Kai continued to vomit blood into the sink, each convulsion sending waves of agony through his weakened body. Zane and Jay hovered nearby, their faces pale with worry as they exchanged frantic whispers.

"We need to get him to the nurse," Zane urged, his voice trembling with concern.

Jay nodded, his hands shaking as he reached for Kai's shoulder. "Come on, Kai. Let's go."

With their support, Kai stumbled out of the bathroom and back to class, the stares of their classmates following them like accusing eyes. Ignoring the whispers and glances, they helped Kai settle into his seat, his eyelids drooping with exhaustion.

As the lesson droned on, Kai's head grew heavy, his body succumbing to the overwhelming fatigue. His eyes fluttered closed, the rhythmic sound of the teacher's voice fading into a distant hum.

Suddenly, the sharp sound of the teacher's yell jolted Kai awake, his heart pounding in confusion. "Kai! Are you sleeping in my class again? That's it, detention after school!"

Zane and Jay exchanged panicked glances, their hearts sinking at the thought of Kai enduring detention in his weakened state. With a sinking feeling in their chests, they vowed to find a way to help their friend.


After School (Detention Time):
Third Person P. O. V:

Kai sat in his desk, his stomach churning with anxiety as he awaited the end of the class. Detention loomed over him like a dark cloud, a punishment he dreaded more than anything. With each passing minute, the weight of his father's impending anger pressed down on him like a leaden weight.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, Kai's hand shot up, his voice trembling as he spoke. "Um, may I please be excused to the restroom?"

The teacher glanced at him with a sigh, clearly annoyed by his request. "Fine, but make it quick. You have detention, remember?"

With a nod of gratitude, Kai rushed out of the classroom, his heart pounding in his chest. He hurried down the hallway, his steps faltering as he reached the sanctuary of the restroom. Leaning against the cool tiles, he fumbled for his phone, his fingers shaking with anticipation.

As he dialed his father's number, his heart sank at the familiar sound of rage in his voice. "Where the hell are you, Kai? You were supposed to be home by now!"

"I-I'm sorry, Dad," Kai stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I-I got detention..."

There was a moment of chilling silence on the other end of the line before his father's voice exploded in fury. "Detention?! You worthless piece of garbage! I've had enough of your excuses! You're going to pay for this, do you hear me? You're going to pay!"

Tears welled up in Kai's eyes as he listened to his father's threats, the familiar sting of fear coursing through his veins. He wanted to scream, to lash out in defiance, but he knew it would only make things worse. With a shaky breath, he whispered, "I'm sorry, Dad. I'll try to come home as soon as I can..."

But the line had already gone dead, leaving Kai alone in the empty restroom, his heart heavy with despair. As he wiped away his tears, he vowed to find a way to escape the cycle of abuse, to find a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.

With that, he walked back to class,  not knowing what the future will do to him.....

End Of Chapter...

Finally a chapter guys!  I won't lie but it has really been a long time since I updated 😅😅
I wish that u like this chap.
Next chapter will be much more intense!!!

Till then stay safe♥

Word Count:  1291 words

Thank you all for reading!!!


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