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The Weekly Spin(Jitzu)

The results of last week's poll are in!

Who's Your Favorite Guy Ninja?

Fire: 472

Energy: 468

Earth: 429

Lightning: 397

Ice: 217 votes

It looks like our winner is the Fire Ninja, with the Energy Ninja as a close second. Be on the lookout for next week's poll. Comment down below which Ninja you chose and why!

Stay safe citizens

-Seliel Lorenza

Top Comments:

- M7nsdfn59 says: Ppl who vote 4 ice can take an L. Earth is GOAT

-fiona<3fire says: I voted Fire b/c he's the hottest. Literally, the hottest lol.

-YaBoiNinja says: i voted energy. anyone who voted otherwise–meet me in the parking lot.


Despite their differing circumstances in school, at home, and life in general, Jay knew there was one thing he and his friends were always united on.

Video games.

At least once a week, he, Cole, Kai, Zane, and Lloyd would find a game and play. Sometimes it was Prime Empire, a platform-battle game. Others, it was Samurai Strike, a multi-player adventure game with dozens of quests and battles.

Out of the whole group, Cole and Jay were the video game gurus, Kai a close second. Cole stuck to fighting or battle games, but Jay would play anything. He wasn't picky.

That Friday in fourth period, which was Social Studies, Jay was prepared for their weekly argument over what game to play. He'd managed to get a copy of Prime Empire's new racing game, which would suit all of their tastes.

He was working on a sketch for his motorbike, trying to figure out how if he would need a new crankshaft or if the current one could be salvaged, when Cole plunked his bag down on the floor beside Jay's, startling him.

"Sorry," Cole dropped into the seat, running a hand through his hair. "What're you working on?"

"Trying to fix the engine on my bike. If I can figure out the problem with the crankshaft, I'll be able to ride it by next week." He grinned, picturing pulling up to school in style, no longer having to take the bus. "I might need a new part for it though."

Cole nodded. He wasn't into mechanics and engineering like Jay was, but the two had spent enough time together that Cole understood the basics. Plus, Cole was a great listener, even when Jay tended to ramble on. It was part of why they were best friends.

"Where were you yesterday? We missed you in the Quad." 6th period was Study Hall for those who weren't in clubs, which basically meant free period. Jay, Kai, Cole and Lloyd met up in the Quad most days, working in homework or just hanging out. Zane led Computer Science club, and Nya attended Book Club meetings, so often it was just the four of them. The day before, Cole had been strangely absent.

"I was... talking to Mrs. Faust." Cole shifted in his seat, not meeting Jay's gaze.


"Yeah. It was about some college application stuff. Nothing important." Cole still wouldn't look him in the eye. Jay had no time to ponder this, as Kai and Zane joined their group. The desks in SS were set up with four or five to a group to a group, so the four of them sat together. As a sophomore, Jay had taken the class as an elective. Nya had opted for the Creative Writing course. Since he was a Freshman, Lloyd didn't have any electives yet. Kai was a Junior, Cole and Zane Seniors, so they had chosen to take the class for college credit.

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