gay numbers

390 9 24

hiiiiii again!! sorry for the HUGE break, i left this community and fandom long ago but recently came back as a completely new person!

1st time writing a finished and posted fic! :D

this won't be good due to how fast the story so my apologies if the fic goes too fast for your liking TwT

characters might be ooc, thas on me sorrey!

with that out the way,

enjoy folks x)



The blue number groaned loudly while leaning against the teacher's desk.

Ever since Two hired him and X as chefs, it was tiring for Four. Since he was also a teacher, he had double the work to do everyday. From cooking dishes for the hotel guests to watching the EXITORS to make sure they weren't messing around is quite the challenge if you think about it. It was also tiring from switching from his classroom to the real world.

Apparently though, Two somehow noticed this(hes surprised they even knew he had a class) and built him a classroom of his own inside the hotel. The EXITORS also had their own room, although connected to the classroom but that didn't stop them from being excited from the fact that they can finally leave that place of a hellhole and actually be inside an actual classroom in the real world. It's a win-win I guess?

Although tiring, Four likes his teaching job way more then being a chef for the guests, although he doesn't have a choice does he? He can't just leave the place and leave X alone there.

Ever since BFB ended, it was boring to just stand around and do nothing. Yes he had friends to talk or play with but it's the same-old same-old. So X suggested them to become chefs for Two to atleast do something while on a break, but he might be starting to regret this decision(lie).

His thoughts wander to Two. They fight all the time, well... Not ALL the time, considering they have a show to host. Although these past months, they've been WAY more friendly... From greeting him to giving him gifts from time to time, it certainly confused Four. But also intrigued for the reason behind it.

Four would never admit that their heart would beat faster  whenever Two gives them something.

He eyes the stacks of paper. The EXITORS never really answer the questions right nor answer them at all. Almost every paper they've gotten from them were in pieces and were crudely sticked together with tape, those weird origamis, or just doodled with random stuff(most notably drawn, Ice-cube). It was a rare occurrence when at least 2 papers were somehow intact, although the answers he's still searching since day 1 were nowhere to be seen.

He thinks to himself as he drums his fingers on the desk. His thoughts returns to Two. Wait no!! He should NOT be thinking about his kinda-friend-but-still-enemy!! Four clenches his fists as he blushes lightly, trying to shoo these thoughts away.

"Hey there Four!"

Said number greets him from behind, making Four jump and shoot a zappie at Two. It missed sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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