Chapter 1 : Cornflowers

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They said First love never dies..

But what if the person you first fell into is dead..?

Soviet Union pov:

Rain poured down making a calming and dim scenery as I slowly deduct my sweet cookies and hot chocolate I made earlier. Thoughts of him surround and take over my cloudy mind.

I missed him but does he miss me? Does he love me? Millions of questions took over me while I stared at the hundreds or even thousands of raindrops meeting the concrete ground..

I look at the cornflowers that are slowly getting drowned by the not ending rain. They are dancing with the mad wind that is destroying the things it passes through.

When will this season end? When will I can visit him? When will I get brave enough to confess my undying love towards a rotting corpse?

I sighed and took a sip of now supposed to be hot chocolate but it's cold like his heart..

Memories start mirroring the glass of the window I'm looking through. It plays like a cinematic movie I can only witness.

I continue to stare at the cornflowers in my garden. It's his favorite flower but I wonder if he will like me too if I'm a cornflower..

I must be the most ugly one that he has ever seen. I let out a low soft chuckle remembering his beautiful face and his corrupted smile he always wore whenever he faced anyone.

His bonely yet soft hands and blood red eyes that can send shiver down to your spine.

I look at his uniform I was holding using my right hand while I sit in the dim gloomy room of mine.

I wonder if this uniform still fits on him..

Wait- what am I thinking?! He supposed to be mortal enemy! Ugh what's wrong with my stupid mind?!

I slumped my back on the wing chair I was sitting on. Am I slowly losing my insanity?..

No no no I'm not insane I'm..i'm just uh..err..

Ugh damn it!

That imp is so damn annoying!

I slammed my fist on the glass window making a out noise.

As I stare again at the cornflowers that being slowly destroyed by the wind. I envy how strong they are...

The door made a creaking sound startled me.

I immediately looked at the room door and saw my son Russia. He was holding something behind him.. I wonder what is it.

I put down my plate of cookies and a cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table.

He came closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder which is very unusual since he doesn't like being close to me.


"Да son?"

"Please stop staring at the window.. I'm worried about your mental and physical health.."

He sounds sad and concerned but I thought he hates me that he wants me to die in the most unbearable way.

I looked down at my now cold cup of chocolate. Am I dreaming again?

I looked up at him, he looked like he was hiding something from me. Well that's always the only thing he visits and talks to me.

"What are you talking about son?"

"Папа.. I-"

He takes a deep breath and looks at me with fear and sadness.

"He's still alive..Grandpa and every old country are still alive"


That old man is still alive?! What the fuck?!? This is definitely a fucking nightmare!

I immediately tried to stand up but failed miserably and ended up slumping back on the chair.

"Папа calm down...Everything is under control.."

He put his hand on my shoulder and caressed it which calms me down a little.

I took deep breath and tried to calm down. My heart is pounding in my chest. I think I will have heart attack and die if I saw that old fag.

This news is giving me a headache. I sighed and look at my son.

"Are you sure this bullshit is under control?"

"Yes папа is under control.. i promise you won't have problems about it but.."

"But what?"

He looks scared of something. That's rare to see since my boy is definitely a brave man!

Russia took a deep breath.

"Please stay away from Third Reich папа.. We know you and him had a relationship before the second World War we are just afraid that.. He might use you again..."

He suddenly hugged me tightly and started to tear up.

"I don't want to lose you папа please listen to me.."

I was stunned by this, my boy hugged me and cared about me. I tried to not cry because men don't cry right?.

He hugged me tighter which I respond with a hug too, a gentle and comforting hug. He continues to cry on my shoulder.

"Don't worry son.. I learned my lesson.."

I gently kissed his forehead before hugging him back again. I wish the time to stop and this moment stays forever just me and my boy in each other's embrace.

I was too focused on my son and already forgot what is the bad news he told me earlier.

I noticed that russia is already fallen asleep on me, maybe he's so stressed and tired of working whole day.

I look down at my son and gently and carefully caresses his head. It's like yesterday he was just running in our backyard with his siblings but now my boy is a full grown adult and running one of the largest country in the world.

I put my son on my lap and let him sleep on my chest while I went back on watching the rain and cornflowers outside.

Maybe there's still a chance for me to change and be able to love and be loved again.


Папа = Papa
Да = Yes

It takes me one whole week to finish this because I have so many things to do like making/finishing a plate, assignment, project, etc. (I hate my life).

I'll try my best to publish more chapters.

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