Chapter 1: Place To Call Home

Start from the beginning

Observer Alpha Pov

Damn it, the shipgirls manage to escape with the girl, the cube, and the lab reports. She won't be so happy hearing this, after all tracking down the girl takes a lot of time and resources. Knowing the mission failed I dread to see her wrath.

Compiler: So, how will we tell her that we failed?

Observer Zero: I don't think we need to tell her.

Me: Why?

???: Because I have watched everything from the beginning.

As soon as I heard the voice my body started to tremble in fear, Compiler also started shaking but Observer Zero didn't shake. She is right behind me, I can feel her cold gaze at my back.

???: *sigh* I will deal with you later.

??? Pov

I walk to the hole where the shipgirls escape through and look out to the sea from the distance watching the shipgirl with the girl sailing away. I was so close to getting her back again, back into my arms, and I am not going to let them go that easily not after all of my effort to get her back.

Me: Observer Alpha returns to base.

Me: Observer Alpha once you arrive back at the base, prepare the records from the black cube used to experiment on the girl.

Observer Alpha: Yes my lady.

Me: Compiler, Zero interrupt those ship girls and bring the girl to me.

Compiler and Zero: Yes ma'am.

Compiler and Zero then rush out of the hole chasing after the girl while I stand there and watch. I will make sure I get my hands on her and once I do I will not let her go.

Y/n Pov

The ship girl carried me bridal style while going as fast as she could while her other friends followed. I look toward her back and see two high-ranking sirens chasing us.

Me: Uhh, Miss?

???: Yes dear?

Me: I don't know your name yet miss.

Atago: It's Atago dear.

Me: Ms. Atago, are my tails disturbing you?

Atago: No dear, It feels so fluffy.

Me: Ms. Atago I suggest we go faster.

Atago: Why?

Me: Those sirens from the lab are following us... I don't want to go back to that place...

Everyone except me quickly turns around and sees the sirens from the lab following us. Their eyes widen after seeing the sirens from the lab following them. Ms. Atago held me more tight trying to protect me from the sirens. All of us start going faster trying to outrun the sirens and get out of their sight. The sirens seem to be closing in on us, It appears that they will stop at nothing to catch us.

???: Where do you think you are going? This is your last warning give us the girl, she belongs to the sirens.

But before the sirens can get closer to us, another shipgirl arrives and shoots at the sirens interrupting and distracting them. We then take this chance to escape and get out of her as fast as we can. I held on to Ms.Atago as much as I could trying not to fall into the depths of the sea. Soon enough we got out of there, and all of us slowed down a bit.

???#4: Phew that was a close one...

???#3: I couldn't agree more Kaga.

Kaga: Right, Shimakaze why were you late?

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