"Hi my name is Agent Coulson in going to take you to the bridge and there we'll meet Director Fury and Agent Maria Hill. Once we've met the director will see what we're doing and then we'll go to our sleeping quarters."

'We are going up in 30 lock all the jets and come inside.' Me and Coulson look at each other.

"Hey guys we might want to step inside it's going to get a little hard to breathe." He says and everyone looks at him as if to say what's going on.

We make our way to the bridge. When we get there we hear agents talking and mom bossing them around.

"All engines operating. SHIELD Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect. We're at level sir." Mom says and I'm just stood there bored out of my mind while everyone is looking at her in aww.

"Good. Let's vanish." Nick replies.

"Engage rectro-reflection panels." Mom says to the agents.

"Reflection panels engaged." A bridge tech agent says.

"Hello everyone I'm director Fury and this is the deputy director Agent Maria Hill." Nick says.

"Agent Coulson can you escort them to their sleeping quarters then the training room where Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton and Agent May are." Nick says and we leave.

We walk to the sleeping quarters and it's 4 to a room. We put all of our bags on one of the beds. My bag only has my school stuff as I have all of my belongings on the ship anyway I'm just planning on leaving the room when everyone is asleep. Anyway now we are on our way to the training room I'm kind of dreading it as I'm one of the best SHIELD fighters.

As we walk into the training room I get mom's voice in my ear

'Lil agent they've been told that they don't know who you are so don't blow it. Also this is a test we were going to tell you earlier but everyone was there.'

'ok copy.' I whisper but I know mom has heard

I think about walking over to the guns but I pull myself back as me doing that I'll just blow my cover and mom specifically told me not to do that. I make eye contact with May and do a small wave and she smiles in acknowledgement.

"Ok we're going to start with some PT then we're going into combat then guns and knives then bow and arrow." Mama says.

We start our PT I struggle not to do my own work out.

"We don't expect you to do it like us as we are trained agents and do this daily and are trained for this sort of thing." Mama says and I just continue doing the very easy work out.

Once we finished our sets most people were out of breath but I've not even broken out a sweat. We get paired with the agents. I get paired with May.

"Agent May don't hold back I want a real fight." I say

She starts by throwing a few punches and I move out of the way. I notice she has her legs unprotected I swoop her legs and she lands on the floor. As she gets up she throws a punch to my stomach and I land in a widow pose.

'Such a poser' I hear mama say in her head
'Yeah so you say I'm a poser where do you think I learned it from and don't say auntie Lena cause we all know it's from you.' I say while still blocking May's punches
'I'm not a poser.' She says
'Yes you are but ok sure if you say so.' I say as I catch a punch and wrap my legs around her neck and flip her to the ground and May taps out.

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