Ch40 Minjee

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"Mommy, where are we?"

"At the park nearby, sweetie."


"Can I play around?"

"Sure, just don't go far away from mommy's sight, got it?"

"Got it, mom."

I watch my daughter running around the park, as my eyes are glued to her, but I can't help but to think about Jimin, his wife, and their son.

Minjee is my precious gift for Jimin, but since Jimin already has one, I better be happy for him and live my life peacefully with our daughter. I wanted my daughter to meet her father, but if meeting him will cause problems between him and his wife, I guess it is better to not let them know each other. I will just do my best to explain to my daughter our situation, and I will make sure to bring her up well so that when the time comes that she will come to know about this, she will listen to me first before she judges and hates me.


I vaulted up from sitting at the bench when I saw my daughter run from the other direction, not that far from me, but at that part where she was heading, it was not where kids usually play, that part of the park is where lovers stay and spend time together. It was the part of the park where me and Jimin stayed and watched the sky. I started to run, trying to catch up with my daughter, but before I could make it, I saw her fall to the ground behind the man who was sitting alone. I look at my daughter, expecting to see her crying, but no, she didn't cry. Before I knew it, the man was already helping her up, holding my daughter's hands. I walked as fast as I could, wanting to be by my daughter's side. She stood up, but when I got just right there, I got really surprised when I saw the man's face clearly.


He turned his head in a slow motion in my direction, and when I got to see his face clearly, I felt the urge to hug him, but my mind was stopping me.

No, he's married, don't give yourself false hope.

I reminded myself to stop being so emotional so I wouldn't get into a problem.


The next thing I knew, I was already caged between his arms.

"Where have you been, baby? I was waiting for you to come back. Thank you for coming back."

I didn't say anything and just let him hug me. He cried on my shoulder while saying how much he misses me. I wanted to hug him back and cry louder than he is crying, but I controlled myself since I knew what he was saying was all in the past. He already moved on and have a family, maybe this is for the friendship that we were about to build between us.


Is all I can say when he finally lets go of the hug. He cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes. I could see more tears threatening to fall from his beautiful eyes, but I didn't say any words again.

"I miss you so much."

Then, after saying those words, his face became more wet because tears had already falling nonstop down his face, but even though he was crying, he was still looking straight into my eyes, which made me uncomfortable. He shouldn't look this way at another woman, it will only make his wife feel jealous, and I don't want it to happen. I know how it feels when your man looks at another woman.

I need to do the right thing.

I bow my head down and slowly take his hands off my face before taking a step backward so we can have some distance from each other. I also have tears threatening to fall because I wanted to hug him longer and tell him that I miss him more, but I don't want to hurt anyone. His wife looks so kind that I can't make up myself to hurt her, even though I feel so much jealousy for her.

Jimin chose her, and I need to accept it. I lost him, and it was truly my fault, and there's no one to blame but me.

I was so surprised that it made my eyes widen when Jimin was already on my face as he suddenly smashed his lips with mine. I looked at him to see his eyes were close. I wanted to close my eyes and kiss him back, but again, he is married, and I don't want to ruin a family. With a heavy heart, I tried to push him away, which surprised and confused him.


"You got carried away by your loss, Jimin. Let's just be friends and forget what happened in the past."

"No, I can't do that, Y/N. I waited for you, and now that you're here, I will not give you a chance to leave me again."

"You don't know what you were saying, Jimin, you forgot you have a wif-"


I was cut off when my daughter said Jimin's name. I looked at where my daughter was, and so with Jimin, he turned his head in Minjee's direction with a confused face as he slowly lowered his body to kneel down so he could level my daughter's height.

"Yes, my name is Jimin. I'm Jimin."

"Um, my name is Minjee, and my mom said my dad's name was Jimin, are you, by any chance, my daddy?"

Jimin looked up at me, and now I was the one who had a wet face. My tears won't stop falling upon hearing my daughter say 'Daddy'. She always wanted to meet her dad and to call him, but she also said she was fine without him as long as I was her mommy.


Minjee also looked up at me, seeking for an answer, but I couldn't open my mouth to say anything, all I did was cry in front of Minjee and her father. Jimin stood up again and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Baby, please, tell me, am I this beautiful girl's father? Is she mine?"

Jimin gently asked, but I could see in his eyes that he already knew he was the father since he already had a smile on his face.

How can I say no? I have to say no, or else Minjee will only get hurt if Jimin's wife will not accept that he has a daughter outside the marriage. My daughter has only me to lean on, and I won't allow the situation to hurt and ruin her.

"Minjee, can you play awhile? I will just discuss something with sir, but don't go too far, okay?"

"Ok mommy."

I looked at her back as she ran away from us.


I turn to look at Jimin, still confused about what is happening.

"I'm sorry, Jimin, but I don't want my daughter to expect anything that will cause her pain in the future. Minjee is just a kid."

"And I am her father, she is my daughter."

"Yes, No, ah I-I mean, No."

"Stop playing around Y/N."

I got a little mad when I heard Jimin's voice get a little higher. But then Jimin immediately says he was sorry.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just got carried away by my emotions. I was so happy and excited that I didn't know I raised my voice on you. I'm sorry, Y/N."


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