Chapter 10

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Guys I have seen that most of you had read only till the 5th chapter . I want you to share your thoughts about this book if I don't get enough views I'm thinking of stopping this book here .  So show your responce .
Just kidding . I won't stop writing these book no matter what happens just will update slowly .
Share with your friends so I can get more views .

Now enjoy✨

Author's POV

Aaron went behind the stalker and turned . He was ..

He wasn't a boy but a girls. Rather than girl we would say she was non other than Mary . " You ! What are you doing here ?" Aaron asked to Mary . " I-i-i-I'm just -" " shut up and come with me " Aaron said to her.
He took her till the car or we can say pulled her .
He throwed her in the backseat and went to drive .They reached near Aaron's  warehouse . He asked his men's to bring Mary inside.

Aaron's POV

My men took her inside the room . I knew that someone was giving information to the enemy . My PA came and gave me her information file .
She has been spying on us last 2 years . I never doubted her because first she was my friend girlfriend, who I had nothing to do with . And second when she came to me her brother was already dead .
Now I won't leave her alone now .
" Tell me why are you here " I said in drop dead voice . I could see her shivering . "I-i-i-i-i was just keeping an eye on you so that you won't find Emilia " I asked Amanda to torture her and get all answers . I took a shower and drove back home .

I entered and emi jumped on me . She was laughing loudly . Melvin was running from behind . " Hey that's cheating you can't go to Aaron while playing " Enzo said . " What's going on here ?" " Your lovely sister throwed us in the pool " I was dumbstruck how can a 16 year old throw these giants in pool . I took her to the living room . And Enzo narrated the whole scene

' She told Enzo and Melvin that her dress fell into the pool and asked them to remove it . When they were searching for the dress from above she pushed them into water . '

I was laughing so badly . It has been so many years since I laughed and the reason was again my sunshine .
" Okay so sweety now you will be going to the same school as Melvin . I did your admission process . It started from next week . " She has a grin on her face . " Now let's have the dinner " we all had our dinner . I went to the study and started reading the files .
Suddenly the door opened . I knew who it was , the only person who can walk in my cabin without knocking and still be alive . My only friend, Zain .

"Heyy bro how are you ? " I gave him a nod . He was always the talkative one . Even when I pushed him away  he would ignore it and stick to me all time .
He helped me in finding emi when I told him about her . ' I was practically drunk ' which caused me to blur out everything . Since then he has became more clingy .
" Don't you have anyone you like or love , always behind me ." I said in a fake annoyed tone . He pouted .

He followed me out . " My cousin is here with me so I guess I'll meet your sister later " he said and we went towards the living room .

" No you should meet her now by the way where is your cousin " I asked him . We started searching for him . I searched the upper chamber while Zain searched the lower . When we didn't find him I thought of saerching him in my chamber . While going toward it .

Suddenly I heard some noises from emi's room . Zain heard the same we together opened the door without any warning . The scene infront of me got me furious .

The audacity of this man .

He. slapped. my. sister.

Emi came running towards me . Before I could react Zain went towards the man and started hitting the hell out of him . She was sobbing hard on my shirt .

"P-p-ple-ase stop him " she said . I told him to stop but it was like he was in his own world . He didn't listen to me and continued hitting him . I made emi sit on the floor and went to stop Zain . He saw me and then at emi . I asked my mens to take him to warehouse. Me and Zain took emi to my room . Till now all our brothers were here . Dad went to complete emi's paperwork .

She was still sobbing . Zain was having guilty face . I don't know why.  It was the first time I saw him serious in something . Soon emi sobs turned into hiccups . Enzo gave her a glass of water . She chugged it down at once .
" Are you comfortable in telling me abou what happened ?" She nodded. She told us about her past with him and what he did in her room .

Flashback (past ) :-

I was sleeping on the floor when I heard some noises . I didn't open my eyes so that I could hear their conversation .

" You can only have her when you transfer the remaining amount " I heard mark say.
" I already gave you 1000 $ still you want another 1000$ . I will give you the rest after I enjoy " some unknown voice replied to him . "Okay but now you can have her for only 1 night " mark replied. 
I didn't understand anything but soon I was being lifted in air .

I opened my one eye only to see that an unknown person was taking me to the guest room of the house .
" I know you are awake so open your eyes, my little slut " he said in a bitter sweet voice . It sent shivers down my spine . He opened the door with his leg and threw me on the bed .

He started removing his shirt and then his pants . He was left in only his boxers . He hoovered over me and started sucking my neck . Tears were forming in my eyes . I knew what was ganna happen next because this was my life since last  years . No matter how much I try these monsters never leave me .

He undressed me and started his torture . This went down for all night . Can anyone believe that I lost my v-card at the age of 11 . I pray to god that no girl get a life like me .

Flashback ends .

I wanted to write a long chapte but I thought of writing two parts of these chapter . Second part will be published tomorrow.

(1133 words )









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