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An airy voice calls out. Arthur stirs in his sleep and turns over to his left side.


The voice echoes again, this time it sounds raspy and almost pained. Arthur winces at the sound and whines in his sleep. His subconscious is aware he's having a nightmare but he can't wake up.

"Candy... oh Candy I'm so sorry", he says in a whisper, silent tears cascading down his cheeks. He's laying on his back now, slender fingers gripping his Edward Cullen bedsheet for life. The voice let out a chocked chuckle.

It's okay... just be here with me, okay?

He frowns as he brings his hands to his chest, right over his heart. He breaks into a small sob. "N-no... No!"

Don't look so sad

"Just stop... just stop it"

Thank you for saving me, Spoon

"Stop it! Just s-stop saying that!"

"STOP!", he screams himself awake. With laboured breaths, he looks around his room waiting to hear her voice again.

"Candy?", he calls out timidly and hears nothing. Not even noticing the tears on his cheeks, he looks down at his shaky hands and sobs into them painfully. He cradles his hands to his chest like he did with Candy the night she died in his arms. This is the sixth nightmare since her death.

"I'm sorry I l-let y-you go, Candy...", his whole body shaking as he wails in agony.

"I'm sorry...", he says repeatedly and each time, it sounds more heartbreaking. Eventually tiring himself out, he falls asleep with a red, tear stained face and a disturbed expression on his face.


Mickey wakes up with his cute smile that looks extra blinding. After finding out his dad is very much alive and finding him trapped in Bat Lady's tunnel, he finally feels at peace. It's been two weeks since rescuing Ashley and his dad and it has been the best two weeks of his life.

Since his dad was trapped with no ventilation and hydration for lord knows how long, he has been in and out of the hospital for check ups. He's doing fine and Mickey is so happy to have him in his life again. Maybe he can finally enjoy playing basketball again. They haven't informed his mom about the news yet because of her fragile mental state. Mickey doesn't get why they have to wait but Aunt Shira and his mom's psychiatrist assure him that it's for the best. His dad too is on board with it procedure. He doesn't want to spook Kitty, showing up alive like that. They need to prepare her.

This is not the only reason he's happy though. Since Ashley decided to stay in Kasselton, things have been good between them. They still haven't kissed yet but they've been hanging out quite a lot lately. Getting to know each other and bonding. However, Mickey can't stop thinking about the date they almost had so he texts Ashley to ask her on a date and she says yes. They agree to meet at the local diner by 4pm after school.

Mickey is startled when Ema's head pops inside his basement-bedroom window.

"Why are you so smiley? It's Monday morning", she groans in distaste and tumbles into his bedroom.

"Jesus Christ! Ema, what are you doing here?", Mickey half-yells at her, earning a small smile from her.

"I'm taking you to school. Get your ass dressed", she immediately starts packing his school bag and slings it over her shoulder. Mickey stares blankly at her. "But I haven't had my bath yet". Just then, Ema strides up to him and takes a big sniff. Mickey backs up a little.
"Woah!", he exclaims. "You smell fine. A little musty but that's fine. Deodorant will do. Get dressed", she says with a straight face devoid of expression. Just big ol' Bambi eyes staring daggers at Mickey.

He huffs and grumbles before walking to his bathroom. "You know you're starting to sound a lot like Spoon. Speaking of which, where is Spoon?"

He expected the eccentric boy to be the one to scare him out of his wits and sniff him out of nowhere. He chuckles at the thought of Spoon. Spoon is... well something. He says the most random and unpredictable things at random and unpredictable times. Spoon is fun, he thought. Not that Ema isn't but Spoon literally koala-hugged him on his first day of school after he thought he was insensitive about his dad's death. That struck something in Mickey but he couldn't pinpoint it.

He realizes he's lost in thought and didn't hear Ema. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said he's in the car", Ema sighs as she busies herself with the basketball kit set up in Mickey's room.

Mickey frowns at her response. Why is he in the car? He didn't realize he asked out loud.

"I don't know Mickey. He didn't speak more than a three words to me since I picked him up and you know he never stops talking. No random outbursts of unnecessary but factual information from him"

Mickey frowns at this. "Okay... that's a little strange", he mutters. He washes his face and puts on moisturizer and sunscreen before coming out his bathroom. He gestures for Ema to turn around so he can change. She rolls her eyes but does it anyway.

"Behaviour like this is very strange for someone as strange as Spoon", Mickey says trying to put on his jeans. Ema nods even though he can't see her. "He's been like this since we saved Ashley and your dad. I'm very sure it has something to do with Can—"

A loud honk startles them and Mickey almost trips over but Ema grabs him by his flannel, stopping him from hitting the floorboard. They assume that was Spoon getting impatient with them so they both hurry out the basement window surprising Shira who is trimming the grass around the house.

"What the hell guys!"

"Good morning Shira", Ema greets awkwardly.

"Sorry Aunt Shira! We're gonna be late for school"

"Aren't you gonna eat something?", Shira calls out with worry. Mickey shakes his head no but thanks her for offering. Shira feels a bit hurt because her cooking isn't THAT bad.

Ema gets into the driver's seat and puts on her seat belt. Mickey rides in the back with an awfully quiet Spoon.

"Hey Spoon", Mickey greets and briefly gives him a side hug. Spoon's lips twitch upwards but he doesn't exactly smile.

"Morning Mickey Mouse", Spoon greets him almost dryly, giving Mickey's shoulder a small squeeze. He looks away from Mickey and stares out the window again.

Spoon always holds eye contact with everyone so this is very unlike him, Mickey wonders. He catches Ema's eyes in the rear view mirror. Her eyes tell him to try to get Spoon to talk. They argue with their eyes for a bit, with Ema winning of course.

"Hey...", he whispers so only Spoon can hear. The latter turns to look at him. His eyes look almost void of emotion.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?", he touches his arm, rubs it soothingly. Spoon almost breaks but he couldn't, not in front of his friends. He is supposed to be the energy booster of the group but he wasn't doing a great job at the moment.

"I'm okay...", he smiles weakly before turning to face the window again. Mickey looks at Ema again through the rear view mirror. The look of concern carved on their faces.

can i lean on you too? | spoon x mickeyWhere stories live. Discover now