Raffles Road

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"Just say what you're thinking in person so that they know what you truly feel."

"I asked Eris about this too. She just said the same thing."


Sunshine. I watched as it tried to pierce its way through my sunscreen, sweat dripping down my legs as I walked with Silas. The sidewalk could cook eggs at this point, yet the destination was still so far away. Silas wiped his sweat off like it was normal before pointing mere blocks away. My feet trembled in hopes of finally collapsing when we reached his house. If modesty didn't hold me back, then I wouldn't have worn pants and a black shirt that day.

"We're here now, are we done with the death march?" 

"...This is only just the gate into the road."

Golden yellow set the backdrop for the billboard that was hoisted beside the entrance. RAFFLES ROAD. Their metal gates were painted white, its backdrop a velvet brick, every part perfectly placed as I begrudgingly took in the cleanliness. Why did the sun have to shine in a way that made the whole place so elegant? As we reached the entrance, the gate guard spoke with Silas. "Eris said she came by to get some things from your house." 

From his back pocket, Silas pulled his phone out as he nodded at the guard. Why did I have to be so nervous? The guard eyeing me as he let us both through didn't help it either. Silas dialed Eris as I saw her immediately pick up. Wait a minute, were those billboard words emboldened with real gold? "You got your things, Eris?" Silas asked on the phone. I slowly fell behind so as to not hear them speak and not feel so awkward.

'Lalalalalalala. Lalala. Lala.' At least, those were the words I tried to monologue in my head to prevent myself from eavesdropping, but nothing seemed to be working. I watched him speak on the phone as the sunlight fought to blur my vision. Did the traffic on the roads really have to quiet down the moment he talked? Think. No- don't think. Forget. What was I even doing anymore? Silas' calmness made me more irritated with my agitation and before I knew it,


"Hey- you good?"

Was it even possible to be cold and frozen in this unforgiving weather? After all the hyper-focusing, I forgot basic distance as I barged into Silas' back headfirst, my mind cursing the split-second sweat, sound, and sensation that reverberated into my body. Even the sun couldn't come close to thawing my statuesque state, and yet, Silas' confused gaze was what made me regain my senses. He covered his phone audio as he spoke again. "...Wren?"

Before I could reply though, Eris asked Silas something over the phone. "What's happening?"  The adrenaline within me withered as we continued walking, Silas' phone close to his mouth as he answered his friend. I wished I didn't have to overthink this. Slowly, I fell behind him as best as I could, my eyes still on his tan shirt as I realized something. Call a friend. Call a friend! My hand reached for my phone as I called Athena.

"What? I'm not in the mood to console your Silasian woes. Eris just left me doing everything all by myself," Athena said in a hushed tone, unwilling of anyone else to hear. Her last line was especially spoken so low I could feel the air through the phone. "I'm not- I just need to talk to you about... Sun... Tan... Sun tanning, yeah," I fibbed, my eyes shifting around my surroundings to think of an excuse. Athena groaned at the obvious lie.

My mind was unaware of my legs picking up speed. "I just need someone to fake-call, we're already doing it really well anyw-" were the words I was saying just before the same accident happened again. I guess I lied to her and myself this time. "...You should focus on your surroundings more," Silas implored, turning around once again as he dusted off his back. The sun highlighted my embarrassment as I walked past him to avoid the same incident thrice.

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