chan: he did what?! 

jeongin: thats all besides the point! lets get seungmin! hes over there at the tabl- oh hes gone.

felix: where'd he go? he was just there?

hyunjin: weird

everyone then walked over to the table

chan: does he still have the same dorm?

mina: yeah, you wanna go check?

chan: yeah, but im gonna go alone okay?

jisung: okayy!!

felix: mkay, after come over to minho and jisung dorm we'll all be there

chan nodded and left to the dorm building, he took the elevator and walked to the room once there he took a deep breathe before knocking on the door and opening it.

chan: hello?..

no response.

he walked in and took his shoes off before walking into the living room and heading down the hall to seungmin's room, right as he was gonna knock on the door he heard sobs. loud sobs. he knew it was seungmin so without waiting another minute he opened the door only to see seungmin laying in bed crying his eyes out while holding something bloody?..

chan: s-seungmin?!

he quickly ran over to him taking the b|@d out of his hands throwing it on the floor and grabbing him pulling him into a tight hug.

chan: hey..hey its okay..calm down minnie..

seungmin: i-im sorry!..i-i missed y-you! i couldn't k-keep g-goi-

chan: shhhh..its okay. im here. im back..

seungmin was crying harder and harder holding onto chan who was just holding seungmin close

seungmin: w-why'd you l-leave!..i-i needed you!..

chan: im s-so sorry..i-im here now tho..and im never leaving you again..i promise.

seungmin: im s-sorry..

chan noticed that seungmins blood was getting on his shirt so he knew that he had just sh, instead of saying anything he held seungmin closer and slowly kissed the top of his head

chan: shh, its fine seungmin. things happen. and im sorry i left..i-i didnt know my actions would af-affect you this badly..

seungmin: o-of course it w-would hurt me!..i-i love you c-chan!!..everything y-you do a-affects me!..

chan then lifted seungmins face to make him look at him, while wiping his tears away

chan: i am s-so so so sorry..i n-never wanted to hurt y-you like this okay?..i-i love you so much seungmin..more then you even k-know. and i-i promise you. tha im never d-disappearing again okay?. i promise you.

seungmin just nodded and cried more holding onto chan tighter, chan was on the edge of crying while holding seungmin. it broke chan knowing that he just put this boy through so much pain just disappearing for months like that. only leaving him a shitty letter. he felt bad. so bad.

chan: l-lets get you cleaned up yeah?

seungmin just nodded as chan helped him up to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet. he went under the sink and grabbed the first aid kit setting it down. thankfully seungmin didn't cut deeply so chan just cleaned up the cuts and wrapped his arm up

seungmin: t-thank you.

chan: for what?.

seungmin: everything.

chan just hugged seungmin again and kissed his forehead

chan: never d-do that again okay?..promise me.

seungmin: i promise channie.

chan smiled a bit before pulling from the hug and helping seungmin to his bed laying him down

chan: get some rest okay?

seungmin: stay with m-me?..

chan: of course.

chan laied down next to seungmin holding him close while seungmin cuddled up close to chan holding him closing his eyes.

seungmin: don't disappear again please.

chan: shhh, i wont. get some sleep min.

seungmin nodded while hugging chan and slowly drifting off to sleep. he missed cuddling with chan so much. he forgot how warm chan was when you slept close to him. he missed this warm feeling and he's now feeling that warmth again. seungmin has never been so happy sleeping again. while seungmin was sleeping chan held him close not letting go. he felt terrible. so terrible that he started sobbing quietly while looking down at seungmin.

CHANS BACK!!! 😜😜 and yes thats all cz im sleepy enjoy this! have a wonderful day or night sorry for any misspellings.

words - 1067

goodbye - 09

𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. ~ chanmin. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora