The Wedding Day

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The next morning, the girls woke up and immediately plan out their wedding, starting with calling their parents and friends about their engagement. With their help, they were able to get everything the couple needed for their big day. Remy, a French rat who loves to cook, helped bake a giant wedding cake with his human friend Alfredo Linguini, as well as providing . Luz Noceda and her girlfriend Amity Blight helped set up the tables and chairs. Meanwhile, Diane Foxington volunteered to act as priest for the wedding. The day after that, it was wedding day and Jenny was in the dressing room putting on her dress in front of her bridesmaid, Sisu.

Jenny: So Sisu, how do I look?

Sisu: You look amazing, Jenny!

Jenny: Awww! *blushes*

Sisu: Now follow me! The wedding's about to start!

Sisu then leads Jenny out of her dressing room. The pianist, Rob Rabbit, plays "Here Comes the Bride" while everyone attending the wedding stands up. Jenny walks up to the altar where Lucille was. Then, Diane starts reading the wedding vows.

Diane: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness two women join each other in matrimony. *turns to Lucille* Lucille Lynn Rodgers, do you take Jennifer Lillian Anderson to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Lucille: *smiles* I do.

Diane: *turns to Jenny* And do you, Jennifer Lillian Anderson, take Lucille Lynn Rodgers to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Jenny: *smiles* I do!

Diane: Then by the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I pronounce this couple wife and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Without hesitance, the two brides kiss and everyone cheers for their marriage. Jenny throws her bouquet of flowers at the crowd, with Porsha Crystal catching it.

Lucille: We're married y'all! Let's party!

The DJ, in this case Nimona, starts playing the music and everyone started to dance. Everyone was having a great time, until someone shrinks the door nown with a shrink ray. It was LEGO Brainiac.


At this point, everyone stopped partying and just gave Brainiac the silent treatment.

Brainiac: The wedding shall not go on!

Nimona: Uhhhh, it already has you dumb robot.

Brainiac: SHUT UP NIMONA! Anyways, I hear that Lucy and Jenny are married now...

Jenny: *looks at Brainiac* Oh no it's Brainiac!

Lucille: *groans* Not him again!

Brainiac: Too bad! And I'm here to declare this marriage invalid!

Diane: Um, that's not possible! I already brought these two together in matrimony!

Brainiac: I DON'T CARE! Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not two women! Now go marry a real man or else!

Jenny: Lucy, I'm scared!

Lucille: Don't worry honey, I got this! *turns to Brainiac* Brainiac, get away from my Jenny!

Brainiac: NEVER! *pulls out his shrink ray* Prepare to be shrunk! HAHAHAHAHA!

Brainiac shoots his shrink ray at Lucille and Jenny, but Lucille deflects the bolt with a steel plate at Brainiac, shrinking him. Jenny, no longer scared of Brainiac, picks him up and places him in an empty wine bottle.

Brainiac: HEY! LET ME GO!

Jenny: Never! You deserve it for being so homophobic!

Brainiac: Darn it!

Jenny then gives the bottle to Lupe the Wolf, the former principal at Lucille and Jenny's high school.

Lupe: I swear to God Brainiac you are in SO much trouble! You are so gonna get punished when we get home!


Lupe then takes the shrunken Brainiac in the bottle home with her. With that homophobic android gone, everyone resumed the party. An hour later, the party ended and Lucille and Jenny prepare to leave on their honeymoon.

Jenny: Oh Lucy, I'm so glad we're married now!

Lucille: Me too! And now when we get back to the apartment, we get to have some real fun, if you get my drift. *winks at her*

Jenny: Oooh yes! I can't wait for you to take my virginity away!

Lucille: Me neither! *giggles* Come on my love. Let's go home and do it!

Jenny: Yay!

The two newlyweds hop in their car and drive off with a sign saying "Just Married" behind their car and dragging plenty of tin cans. Everyone at the wedding cheers for Lucille and Jenny as they leave to consummate their marriage.

The End

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