Chapter One

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...Then a figure in a gray cloak stepped out of thin air "My name is Elysian," she said. "And I am the power source you're all here looking for."

"Elysian..?" Sophie mumbled as she watched everyone around her looking just as confused as she felt Even Gisela looked surprised. Sophie's mind was racing with questions yet it made sense Elysian wasn't a star neither was it a place, Elysian is an elf. No wonder Kenric felt an awareness when he and Oralie both came across here.

But why weren't any of their abilities working?

"If you're the power source then why isn't anybody able to use their ability?" asked Marella who recovered quickly from the shock and seemed like she was desperately trying to spark flames.

"That is 'because I'm using mine," Elysian said in that same unfamiliar Melodic voice.

"What are you talking about?" Keefe demanded

"Hm? I thought you all knew what I was talking about Since you've all found my fields and are looking for your power source." She turned her head to the side "Though you all do seem rather young I must say" Elysian pointed out.

Lady Gisela who was quiet till now stepped up "I didn't know the power source was an elf" she mumbled, and then sighed.

"These children are out to stop you and your plans for the lost cities, But I am here to make an alliance," said Gisela firmly. Though Sophie was sure that Lady Gisela herself wasn't expecting to make another alliance. She wasn't going to let that happen.

"And what kind of alliance are you talking me into?" Elysian replied

"One where we both get what we want, freedom and power over the lost cities," Gisela said calmly

"I see," she said slowly "And what will I have to do exactly?"

"Perform the last step of stellerlune on my son" When Gisela finished her sentence Elysian gasped.

"NO!" Keefe shouted "You can't!"

"Keefe" Lady Gisela sighed "You need to fulfil your legacy"

"You've found my journals haven't you?" Elysian interrupted "Explains how you know so much of stellerlune and my work"

"Journals and artifacts were vital but I hadn't known you were the one to write them all. Yes I guess I have then, but my research has proven to me this will be a very useful part of my plans for the lost cities and it would be a good idea for you to be alongside me to watch everything fall into place" Gisela said with an evil grin. "And I must say your work and journals are quite impressive though it did take me a while to decode it all"

"Greatttt Now she's back to fangirling," Keefe said as he rolled his eyes "You realize the last time you did this it didn't go as planned right?" Keefe said pointing to where Vespera was lying on the ground covered in blood and Sophie was trying really hard not to look that way.

Sophie needed to think but her head was pounding why weren't their abilities working?!

"You still haven't told us why our abilities aren't working," Sophie said frustrated

"Let's just say my abilities block Elves from using theirs." She replied


Elysian turned back to Gisela "Performing the last step for stellerlune is very dangerous are you willing to do that to your son?"

"Anything to get his legacy fulfilled" She replied

Sophie wanted to throw up, How many times was she going to hear 'legacy'? She wanted to scream and teleport everyone out of there. But she had to stay for Keefe.

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