chapter 4

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J.Bonet POV

I heard Snickers and little giggles so I just layed like I was still sleep.then I felt a kiss on my forhead, then my cheeks.then I felt another pair of lips.I open my eyes and August and jevaeh was kissing me.

Jevaeh:morning mommy.She say happily as she huged me.

J.Bonet:morning chipmunk.I kissed her multiple times. "Alright go get your clothes from gradma out the closet so you can take a bath school in a couple"

Jevaeh: nooo I not wanna go.

J.Bonet:if you hurry and go we'll get chick fil A. She hurried and ran to her room.

August:dafuck...who you talkin ain't my girl...bye. he came out the closet shirtless.

J.Bonet:ooooo let me guess lani talkin to you crazy for once and you tried. I did air quotes."to put her in check".I smirked and went to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth.Then he walked in the bathroom and sat on the counter.

August:you want me to take her to school.I shurged my shoulders."nahh ion hear that".I shurged them again just to be a ass whole.He grabbed my hand and looked at me.

August: yes or no.

J.Bonet:Im go take her and yo can come if you want to. I said calm but a little scared.He glares at me again and walked out.Ion know what the hell is up with August.Hes never like this,like so aggressive. Ion know what the hell it is but I really don't like it.

K.Samone POV

Thugger:I'm finna take a shower.he kissed my cheek and went in the bathroom.I couldn't sleep at all last night.I haven't told him about issa because I know thug he'll be pissed and be petty.he'll say petty shit and do petty shit.Y'all thank it's easy to tell your husband who said you CAN NOT have no males workin for you is pretty damn hard to tell him.I just don't won't no bs outta this.I gotta idea and I took off my sleeping shirt,and bra and got my rode from hanging off the door and walked in the bathroom and knocked on the shower door.

K.Samone:can I join you.I took off my robe and he bit his lip and opens the shower door,and I stepped in.

Thugger:i gotta go to the trap today so I should be home when you get off.

K.Samone:ass always be at the trap.I said washing my arms.

Thugger:shut yo ass up

K.Samone:whatever thug ... but can I talk to you.he nodded his head as he turned me around so he could wash me."umm...I have a new employee".

Thugger:she pretty.I side glared him and he chuckled.

K.Samone:don't make me kick yo ass...but she is a he.Then he stop washing me.

Thugger:what Kezia.I turned around and he mugs me.

K.Samone:his name is issa and he's my new employee.he gave me a evil glare and got out the shower.see I knew this was go happin.I shook my head and washed myself and got out the shower.I got my towel and dryer myself and put my robe on and went to the twins bathroom.

K.Samone:make sure y'all wash your faces and get dressed,and kalen wear the shoes I put out and not them kds.

Kalen:but I like my kds.he put his toothbrush down and went to his room and kyra did to.I went back to the room and thug was sitting at his desk in our room mean mugin me.

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