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( 3-4 years ago )

Figment was standing in the middle of a arena with a giant monstrous nightmare as her entire village, including her father watched from above, as she held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other and she was wearing a viking helmet on her head, she knew that everyone was expecting her to kill the dragon, but when she looked in the large dragon's eyes, she saw the same fear in it's eyes as Moon did when Figment shot her down. Figment's father then started to become impatient.

Figment's father: What is the hold up?! Kill it already, girl!

Figment: No...

Figment dropped the sword and shield, making everyone gasp and look in the arena with shock and confusion. The monstrous nightmare was slowly getting closer to her, which she quickly started to make an attempt to calm its fear.

Figment: ( to the monstrous nightmare, calmly: ) It's okay... It's okay.

The dragon slowly began to calm down as Figment looked into it's eyes and her dark brown eyes seemed to help calm its fears as she slowly took off the helmet, her father and her village were dumbfounded by what they were seeing. Figment then glanced up at her father, saw the anger and outrage in his eyes, and then she tossed the helmet away with a serious expression.

Figment: ( to the monstrous nightmare, honestly with a serious expression: ) I'm not one of them, I never was.

Gasps were heard in the audience.

Figment's father: ( angrily: ) Stop the fight.

Figment: ( sternly: ) No. I need you all to see this.

Figment slowly raised her hand to the large dragon.

Figment: They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them...-

Figment's father: ( angrily: ) I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!!

The monstrous nightmare was startled and tried to bite Figment's hand, but she calmly dodged it, and looked into the large dragon's eyes with her dark brown eyes, calmly the dragon once again. Moon then flew in, causing the vikings of Figment's village to gasp as the light fury gracefully lands next to her rider, helping with easing the monstrous nightmare's fear by giving it comforting purrs.

Figment: ( to her father, without taking her eyes off the monstrous nightmare's: ) No! I am done listening to you, Dad. Dragons are not the monsters we thought they were. They are kind, loyal, and intelligent creatures, not bloodthirsty beasts.


Figment: And we killed thousands of them! ( slowly raised her hand to the monstrous nightmare, with a calm expression as she looked into it's eyes ) We don't have to kill the dragons. We never did, and we shouldn't have in the first place.

Figment's father: ( Angrily, to Figment: ) Are you saying that you are choosing to be a dragon, over being a viking?!

Figment's heart sank when she heard the anger in her own father's voice as the monstrous nightmare place it's nose in the palm of her hand, she then turned and looked up at her father with tears in her eyes.

Figment: Are you making me choose?

Figment's father: ( to Figment, with a serious expression: ) Yes, I am.

Moon looked at the viking chief with disbelief at what he said, then turned to Figment with a worried expression.

Figment: ( holds back her tears ) Then yeah. I guess I am.

Moon purred at Figment to comfort her, when suddenly...

Figment's father: ( angrily: ) Capture Figment and kill the white night fury and the monstrous nightmare!

Figment: No! I won't let you hurt them. And it's Fig now!

Figment then got on Moon and the light fury fired a plasma blast at the ceiling, making a big enough for both them and the monstrous nightmare's escape. They then took off into the sky before the Vikings of Figment's village could even get close to capturing them. They began flying away from the island and into the unknown, Figment wiped away her tears and looked at the monstrous nightmare.

Figment: Go. Be free. You are safer away from us.

The monstrous nightmare growled in disagreement, but Moon roared at it, telling it to listen to her rider. The monstrous nightmare then roared in sadness in response.

Figment: ( comfortingly, to the monstrous nightmare: ) Maybe in a better world, we will meet again. Now, go!

The monstrous nightmare then took off into the clouds, and Figment began struggling to keep herself from breaking down. Moon looking at Figment worryingly as Figment slowly began breaking down into tears.

( Some time later )

Fig and Moon were flying through the air, as Fig was making a map of the places they've been and writing down the dragons they've discovered in a journal, when they saw that a teenager on a pink tidel class dragon were getting chased by dragon hunters.

Fig: Another rider?! We're not the only ones, wait, they're in trouble! Let's go, girl, let's teach those no good bullies a lesson.

Moon nods her head in agreement and the two swooped down and fired at the ship and dodged the traps that were fired at them. Fig then whistles at the rider and their dragon, and gestured them to follow her and Moon, before flying above the clouds. The two quickly followed the girl and her light fury, all four of them escaping the hunters. Once the tension dies down, Fig looked at the rider and their dragon with a kind smile.

Fig: That was a close one, huh? I'm Fig, and this is my light fury, Moon. What's your names?

Rune: Rune, and this is Beauty. Thank you for saving us. I didn't know there were other riders.

Fig: Same here, I thought me and Moon were the only Viking-dragon duo. Hey, maybe if you want, we can stick together and help each other out? I know I don't look very strong and big like most viking teens, but I know a thing or two about getting out of sticky situations.

Rune: I'd like that. It would be nice to have someone to talk to, especially someone who is like you.

Fig smiled happily as Moon purred.

Fig: I have a good feeling the four of us are going to be the bestest friends.


That's it for the prologue, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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