Chapter 203 Fighting against sea monsters

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  Shen Xuyao attacked head-on and made the main attack, and Murong Jin cooperated on the side. The pectoral fins and tail of the ray were able to discharge electricity, and the purple lightning was wrapped around its body. It looked very scary, but Shen Xuyao was not afraid of it at all. The purple thunder gun is originally a lightning attribute, which can absorb the lightning from the opponent's body, so Shen Xuyao is not worried about being injured by the lightning from the ray.

  The ray's several lightning attacks were easily resolved by Shen Xuyao, which made the ray very depressed, and it swung its long tail towards Shen Xuyao. Shen Xuyao dodged immediately, waved his hand and fired a gun, purple lightning flew out of the gun, and smashed towards the huge body of the stingray one after another.

  The ray was staggered by the smash, and Murong Jin's twenty-four long swords happened to attack the ray's abdomen at this moment. The ray was stabbed in the stomach, and its body fell on the deck. Shen Xuyao took out the card and put it directly into the card.

  After finishing off the first ray, the husband and wife immediately went to find the second ray. The husband and wife cooperated very tacitly, not at all slower than those fourth-level soul pet masters who were martial soul pets.

  The attack of the ray shoal lasted for a whole night, until the dawn broke, the belly of the fish in the east turned white, and the sun slowly rose. The rays had just receded.

  Seeing that the rays had retreated, everyone returned to the cabin one after another. Shen Xuyao's family of four also went back to the cabin,

  After a night of fighting, Shen Xuyao's protective mask was broken, and there were many wounds on his arms and legs, all of which were caused by the electric rays, and some wounds were stabbed by the fins. Besides Shen Xuyao, Xiao Cai and Xiao Bai also suffered some minor injuries. Murong Jin was protected by a protective necklace, but he was not injured.

  After taking the healing medicine and treating the wound, Shen Xuyao sent Xiaocai and Xiaobai back to the space of the ring.

  "How's the injury?"

  "It's okay, it's just a minor injury. You don't have to worry about me." Shen Xuyao waved his hand and said he was okay.

  Looking at his lover, Murong Jin frowned. He reached out and touched the necklace around his neck. "Xu Yao, how about..."

  "You are wearing it, I don't need that necklace. Besides, I have a space ring on my neck! Another necklace is too much." Shen Xuyao immediately refused after interrupting his lover.

  Staring at the rejected lover, Murong Jin felt warm in his heart. He knew that his lover was reluctant to let him get hurt, so he left the best protective necklace to him. His Xu Yao, he always thinks of him so much.

  "Murong, last night, the two of us killed five level 4 rays. Xiao Bai killed seven level 4 rays, and Xiao Cai killed five level 5 rays. Let's kill these rays. Dispose of the corpses. You can use their demonic cores to refine explosive balls. Use fish skins and fish bones to refine protective instruments. With these magical instruments for protection, we can be safer." Shen Xuyao smiled and immediately changed the subject. .

"Okay, in a moment, I will dig out the demon core and skin the fish." Murong Jin nodded and immediately expressed his willingness to help.

  "Well, I will make fish for Xiaobai and Xiaocai for dinner later. They always say that there is not enough fish to eat. This time, we hunted 17 rays, which is enough for us to eat for several days. Moreover, the fish of rays It's very delicious, it must be delicious." Speaking of this, Shen Xuyao smiled.

The Overlord Who Wears Books Loves Poisonous Wife (Part 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ