We hadn't seen him much this week after his party last weekend that ended with him needing a new filling, since Taylor knocked out the old one. Jonah's Dad got to town on Monday, which meant his filling was most likely replaced that same day. Since then however, Jonah's been grounded for not only throwing a party in his Dad's absence, but for getting into a fight that resulted in an emergency hospital appointment and a hefty bill, which resulted in him having to come back early.

Jonah's Dad has two moods when it comes to Jonah; super strict, or totally laid back. It all depended on whether he was in town or not, had a girlfriend or not and how stressed he is at work. And how badly Jonah fucked up.

This week, he's being strict for a valid reason.

Jonah's text read: Yo, what time we heading out?

Rissa's reply came through instantly, calling him an idiot and reminding him he was grounded for another week.

Jonah sent back a smirking emoji, which makes me roll my eyes as I unlock the front door, stepping into the house. Clearly he's going to sneak out tonight, which is risky seeing as it could result in an extension of his grounding, but hey, that's Jonah.

I enter the living area to see AJ sprawled on the couch, his favourite cartoon playing on the TV. He looks over at me briefly before facing forward again, and I clench my teeth together to give me a second to form my words.

We hadn't exactly made up since our argument on Monday, when he challenged Gray to a fight at the ring. We had managed to keep things civil around the boys so they wouldn't suspect anything, but now they're out of the house, I can feel the tension around us. I hate it.

"What time are we leaving?" I ask in a slightly clipped tone. "The guys are asking."

"Whenever." AJ replies without looking at me.

I raise an eyebrow. Well that's...helpful. "Fine. What time are you racing?"

"Fuck knows. Harley will tell me when I get there."

"Fine." I say again. I turn away and walk down the hallway to my room, closing the door behind me and plopping my ass on the end of my bed.

I open up my chat with Rissa, and tell her AJ is being an ass, and doesn't care what time we go.
Her typing bubble pops up, then disappears. About a minute later it pops up again, and she tells me he's probably just nervous about tonight, which we both know is a lie. AJ is cocky when it comes to his races and fights, with good reason of course, but it still annoys the crap out of me.

We'll be round at 7. Rissa adds, We can order in before we go.

I type back an agreement, and then add a text into the group chat to tell the others. As their agreements start flying in, which quickly changes to a back and forth about what to order later, I put my phone on charge and decide to get some homework done to kill some time.

When I eventually close my books and stand from my desk in the corner of my room, I stretch, ridding myself of the past couple hours of school stress. Then, I head over to my closet and drawers and start pulling out possible outfits, or rather, possible tops. A pair of black jeans, my leather jacket and combat boots were a standard look for me, especially since I would be taking my bike to the tracks.

I look at my options and glance at my reflection in the mirror. Great, I would need to make sure no top I choose clashes with my new hair. I opt with a black, tight crop top with green dragons on it, smiling as it actually matches my hair.

I spend some time reapplying my make up, going heavy on the winged eyeliner, and by the time I'm dressed, I hear Connor's truck pull up outside.

Grabbing my phone and a scrunchie, I leave my room to open the front door for them, but AJ beats me to it, welcoming Connor and Jonah with a clasping of hands that guys usually do.

"You managed to break out then." I smile at Jonah.

"Dad's out for some fancy dinner." He replies. "Then drinks after, so he'll either come home with someone and not care where I am, or not come back at all tonight."

I hum in amusement. Jonah's Dad was definitely a player, which was probably a result of them losing Jonah's Mom to cancer few years ago.

"Did we decide what we're getting?" Connor asks as he makes himself at home on the couch, but not before ruffling my freshly brushed hair and commenting on the colour.

Oddly enough the tension between the two of us after Monday wasn't as bad as it was with AJ, not that I mind. Having two of us in the friend group at each other's throats is bad enough, but AJ is my brother, if it happened with anyone else, it would definitely cause a rift between us all.

"I'm in for pizza." Jonah says as he grabs a beer from the crate he brought with him. I use my fingers to comb through my now messy hair and pat it down.

"We always get pizza." AJ tells him.

"And? Pizza is one of the main food groups."

"How'd you come to that conclusion?" I raise an eyebrow with a laugh.

Jonah hold his can in one hand and raises the other, counting on his fingers. "Carbs, veggies, dairy, meat...it's all there."

I shake my head at him and grab a few sodas from the fridge, placing them on the kitchen counter for anyone to help themselves, which AJ does. Without even looking at me.

The girls arrive not long after, and the debate for food continues until we decide on going to Benny's instead, since we would pass it on our way out of town.

We eat, pay, then hop in or on our respective vehicles. AJ would be taking his Mazda, me on my bike, and the other four would pile into Connor's truck.

"See you there!" I call out to them all over the rumbling of all our engines.

We file out of the parking lot and manage to follow each other out of town, separating once we get on the highway.

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