Where Are We?

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Bearre locked Ballister in a cell and threw Ambrosius into the cell across from Ballister's. Ambrosius groaned and looked up at Bearre. "Let us go!" Ambrosius yelled at him before looking at an unconscious Ballister in the adjacent cell. "Why should I," Bearre sneered at Ambrosius before squeezing his head between the cell bars with his flexibility. Ambrosius waited until he saw Ballister wake up before looking back at Bearre and gagging. "I'll kill you if you don't," Ambrosius replied as he looked away. Bearre chuckled as Ballister looked at them while rubbing his head. Bearre said, "You'll kill me? You can't even look at me." Ballister got up and tried to open the door to his cell. "Leave him alone!" Ballister yelled at Bearre. He didn't want to watch Ambrosius get killed, let alone hurt. Bearre chuckled and took his head out of Ambrosius's cell as Ambrosius tried to grab him. "Good morning sleepy head," Bearre smirked as he turned his head to look at Ballister. This scared both Ambrosius and Ballister since both of them haven't seen Bearre's head, let alone anyone's head, face the wrong way. You see, Bearre's body was still facing Ambrosius but his head was facing the opposite way to face Ballister. "Holy crap!" Ambrosius yelled while Ballister was gagging. Bearre chuckled as he walked over to Ballister. "I have a special someone in another cell that you know. You'd be surprised to see him," Bearre whispered to Ballister as he smirked. Ballister tensed up thinking that it was Nimona. "Who?! Who do you have here with us Bearre?!" Ballister asked in fear and worry. "Oh you'll see. Let's just say it's a peace offering for not killing you... yet." Bearre said, amusement in his voice. Ballister went quiet meanwhile Ambrosius was silently glaring at Bearre. He was physically calm but internally panicking because he wanted to stay calm for Ballister. Both of them watched as Bearre walked off to get his other prisoner. They were full of fear, hoping that Nimona was safe.

Nimona: The Not So Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now