When will this pain end

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When will this pain end, it seems like it won't but my heart will stop because of it. I am tired of pretending to be strong in front of my dad and everyone when really it's like a shard of glass has cut me. I never thought I am this bad and all this would happen, my inner screams no one knows of. Everyday I feel like giving up but I can't because of my son, my dad and that it would be wrong. I convince myself this is a test, even though really I just want to express my pain. I have lost, nothing is the same anymore. Mum I wasn't able to be a good wife, I wish I could have been like you. I feel like a living corpse who pretends to laugh and joke, do everything but not with my heart just because I have to do it. Words are not enough to express my pain, no more talking love has turned into hate for me.

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