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Spencer Daniels

another day another dollar. isn't that what they say when you're in your late 20s and working as a paralegal at a law firm in miami. I spend the whole day filing paper work, signing subpoenas, and making
phone calls. Being a paralegal isn't like it's shown in suits. There is no Mike Ross to fall in love with me, just my pathetic excuse of a relationship that's really a shitty fling with a lawyer.

I park in the closest parking deck on the block by the firm. I walk down the side walk in my one of my many pairs of heels and into the elevator everyday. 17th floor, walk out, and to my office where I sit and watch the hustle and bustle and the waves that are crashing on the beaches that surround me.

Don't get me wrong, i'm more than grateful for this job and everything it has done for me, but when I thought of what i'd be doing everyday as a kid, I can promise you it wasn't this.

When I was 11 my parents bought me first camera, and then when I was 13 I got my first laptop. Together I made so many things, short films, music videos, everything a teenager could think of. Most of it not beautiful and to the latest Ke$ha hit, but it was something I loved and something I had a passion for. I've had passion for this job, but it lasted all of 4 years and then it was gone. Now here I am 28 years old, with so much life to live and I hate everyday of it.

"Goodmorning Spencer, I need to see you in my office in 10 minutes please." Reece said. Reece was the lawyer that was mentioned before. The man I find myself spending most nights with, and not just because of work issues or documents i'm filing until 10 pm. "Okay be there in a second." I said. He walked off without another word.

I finished signing the 3 pages I had in front of me and
placed them in the file folder, taking them with me to drop off to Reece while I was already in there. I stood up from my desk making sure I didn't need anything else. If I was going in there for what I think I was, I'd be back in here in 10 minutes tops.

I rounded the corner into his office, and closed the door behind me. "Before we do anything I need you to put these documents in your filing cabinet this time, so they don't get stains on them like last time." I said. "Spencer." He said sternly. I looked up and saw he wasn't already halfway undressed. He was fully clothed, sitting in his desk chair, with his hands folded in his lap. This was serious. Shit. "What's going on?" I asked taking a seat in front of him. "I've decided to open a New York branch." He said. So he's leaving? For good? Am I relieved? What is this feeling? "When?" I asked. "First of the month." He said. "Like next month? Like 3 weeks from now?" I asked. "Yeah. It's short notice I know, but It's what needs to be done. We have a ton of clients coming from New York down here just to meet with us, It only makes sense to open a branch there and grow our clientele even more." He said. "No I totally get it. I would've made the same choice." I said. "I was hoping you'd say that. I want you to come with me." He said. "We can be more than we are here. It doesn't have to be a secret. The new employees won't know any different. They'll just think we opened the branch together. Which in a way, we can." He said.

Move to new york with him? Is he insane?

"What makes you think I want to go to New York?" I asked. "Because you're from Jersey. Don't you want to be closer to home? and your family?" He asked. "And I don't want to be hundreds of miles away from you. I'd rather do anything but that." He said. "I don't know Reece. This is a huge deal. This is a major life decision. My life has been Miami for 10 years now. I don't think I'd know how to handle being up north again." I said. "Just think about it please. If you decide not to, we can make it work. If you do, i'll have your paperwork done by the end of the week." He said. "I don't even know what to say right now. I'm flattered that you want me to come with you, but the thought of it is terrifying." I said. "I know Spence, promise you'll think about it." He said. The nickname gave me goosebumps. Only one other person my entire life called me Spence. My family was strict on no nicknames, who knows why. I was always Spencer no matter if I was getting into trouble or being praised for something. He reached his hand across the table and squeezed the one that was gripped the file folder I walked in here with, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Promise." I said.

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