Chapter 23

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Teresa was happy to have her, what she expected to be, very short time off from any new assignments by SHIELD. Fury gave her the go ahead to have some free time, so she wasn't going to waste that opportunity and was going to do exactly as she planned after her talk with Peter.

Visit aunt May.

When Teresa and Peter first met it was because HYDRA were targeting him and she needed to protect him, although at the time she had no idea that he was Spider-Man and very much capable of taking care of himself.

After the mission however she had an encounter with Kingpin and Mentallo, and thanks to Mentallo he had removed some of her memories including Peters secret identity and they departed with her not wanting to bring any further harm to her brother.

Thankfully after some time she was able to piece together those forgotten memories and the two reconnected, although briefly, and he then introduced her to their aunt May.

May was both entirely shocked and delighted to learn of Teresa's existence seeing as she was completely unaware of Richard and Mary having had a second child before their tragic deaths.

Teresa has kept the meeting brief as to return to her duties with the CIA and now SHIELD, but now thanks to her free time she was able to meet with aunt May again.

Approaching the familiar house in Forest Hills, Teresa gently knocked on the door and waited patiently for May to open it.

She didn't wait long as May was already opening the door and taking in the sight of her long lost niece once more.

"Oh Teresa. You're back." May said with a few tears in her eyes, it had been so long since she saw her and the time they spent was so short they barely had any time to get to know each other.

"Hi May, it's nice seeing you again." Teresa replied giving her aunt and overdue hug.

May welcomed her in, practically ushering her through the door and planting her down on the chair so the two could catch up immediately.

"It's lovely to see you again Teresa. How've you been dear?" May asked wanting to know what she's been up to since they last met.

"Oh you know, a bit of this bit of that. Nothing really special." She downplayed not wanting to tell the woman of her missions, both for the secrecy of her job and the details of near life and death situations. She's dealt enough with them for one lifetime.

"Oh I doubt that, but what brings you back to New York? I don't think this is a social visit." May said skeptical of why Teresa had returned out of the blue.

"Well... actually May, it kind of is." Teresa answered in disbelief.

"Oh?" May responded raising an eye at her.

"I've actually been brought back to sorta... work with Peter." She said which definitely surprised the older woman.

"With Peter? Does he know you're back yet?" She asked curiously.

"Yes May he does, I actually went to see him first seeing as my business was with him to begin with. It was actually his idea to come and see you again after so long and thankfully I was given some free time to do so." Teresa explained happily.

"Not that I didn't already want to come visit, but I wasn't sure if I'd ever get the time." Teresa quickly corrected what she said not implying that she didn't want to see her on her own accord.

"Well that's good to hear, I hope the two of you can work together for a while." May wished.

"Yea. I hope we can too, it's been so long since we've seen each other." Teresa agreed wholeheartedly.

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