"No, please I cannot stay there! You have to let me stay here!" Drecun ignored her and told his guard to take her out of the castle grounds as Victoria kept begging him to let her stay.

Before the guard could grab Victoria by the arm and take her out. Her water broke which made Victoria panic a little bit as Drecun let out a bit of a sigh of annoyance.

He then looked at the guard and told him to take her to the healer and have him help her deliver the baby. Victoria was then taken to the infirmary and felt the contractions starting and let out little groans of pain.

Upon arriving at the infirmary room Victoria went into laybor as she screamed out in pain. She kept pushing and breathing like one of the healer instructed while the servants got everything ready for the baby.

The laybor went on for a few hours until Victoria did her last push and the little baby came out. It was silent for a few seconds before the room were filled with the cries of the new born baby.

Victoria weakly looked at the baby while the servants wrapped the baby in a warm white blanket. She looked at one of the servants as She asked her. "Is... Is it a boy... Or a girl?"

The servant looks at her and told her it was a girl which made Victoria have a worried expression on her face. She then felt her body becoming weak all of a sudden and didn't know why.

Until the healer took notice of the pool of blood forming around under her. He realised that Victoria was losing a lot of blood and did his best to stop the bleeding.

Victoria weakly looked at her newborn daughter in the arms of the nurse and as She said. "Please... I want to see King Drecun..."

The servant holding the newborn baby looks at Victoria as She told her with worry in her voice. "Miss, You need to rest and..."

Victoria looks at her and said with a weak tone in her voice. "P-Please... I want to talk to him... Please..."

The servants knew that She were dying and there were nothing they could do to help her. So the only thing they could do was give her a last request to speak with King Drecun.

King Drecun was then informed about Victoria's complications after the brith. And that She wishes to speak to him one final time which made Drecun curious.

Why would She want to speak to him about? He went to the infirmary and took notice of how weak and pale Victoria is as She held her baby girl.

She looked up at Drecun and said with a weak tone in her voice. "Your Majesty... Thank You for coming to see me..."

Drecun looks at her and said with a calm look on his face. "What do You want to talk to me about, Miss Clarise..."

Victoria looks at Drecun and said with a weak tone in her voice. "I... I don't have long and I want You to look after my daughter..."

Drecun was quite surprised to hear her say this and then told her. "You want me to look after Your baby? Why would You give Your baby to me?"

Victoria looks at him and said. "I want to make sure that my little girl is kept safe... Safe from the ones that wishes to harm and use her...

I know that She be kept safe under Your protection..." She then looked down at her little girl as She continued to talk to Drecun.

"So promise me that You keep her safe and do all You can to make sure nothing bad happens to her..."

Drecun looks at her and said. "I... I don't think that's..." Before He could finish his sentence Victoria looked at him and said with a pleading look on her face.

"Please, make sure She's kept safe... I don't care if She's adopted by one of Your servants, guards or that You adopt her yourself.

At least make sure that She's safe and that her heart is filled with so much love and happiness... And make her feel that She belongs with people that loves her like one of their own..."

Drecun lookes at Victoria's face for a few seconds before letting out a small sigh and told her. "I... I make sure She's safe..."

Victoria looked happy to hear that and said to him. "Thank You... Thank You..." She then looked down at her daughter as She said with tears in her eyes.

"You be kept in good hands my little one... I'm sorry that I cant watch You grow up and be in Your life... But I will be listening and guide You when You need it the most... I love You, I..."

Before She could finish her sentence She began to feel weaker and told Drecun to hold the baby. Drecun did what was asked of her and gently put the little girl in his arms.

Victoria looks at him with a weak smile before She passed away. As soon as She passed away the little baby girl started crying.

Drecun comforted the little baby girl as one of the servants looked at him and said. "Your Majesty, What do we do with the body?"

Drecun looks at the servant and told her. "Bury the body near the tree on the west side of the mountain..."

The servant looks at him and said. "As You wish, but what about the child?" Drecun looks down at the little baby girl with tufs of snow white hair that was in his arms.

He looked at her for a few seconds before telling the servants and healer. "I'm going to keep her..."

The servants looked quite surprised to hear him say this as one of them said. "Y-Your Majesty, do You think that's wise?

We could just send her to the orphanage in town and..." Drecun gave her a serious look on his face as He told her.

"I am not abandoning the child of a woman that I just made a promise to... So You better think carefully of what You say next, Neirine..."

Neirine lookes at him and said with a bit of a nervous tone in her voice. "I... I deeply apologise, Your Majesty... I didn't mean any disrespect... What will You say to Queen Rosenia?"

Drecun looks at her and said. "I just tell her that We have another Fireheart in the family..."

Another one of the servants looked at him and asked him. "What... What will You name her, Your Majesty?"

Drecun looked at her and said. "I name her Elenor, Elenor Fireheart...»

Daughter of the Dragon KingWhere stories live. Discover now