Master Intro: Radius Aleksei Ikarov

Start from the beginning

The Foreigner sighed, his gaze distant.

"Perhaps you are right, Master. But it is a difficult balance to maintain. The line between growth and destruction is a fine one. I, who once gave into it so recklessly, came to regret that path in the end. Conflict is a tool through which the human race may be honed and sharpened, but if abused thoughtlessly, then it whittles mankind into nothingness. Blunts us all into naught but a useless blade. I thought my great endeavor would be the salvation of my Imperium, that it would make us stronger in the long run, even as I set the galaxy ablaze. If I could do it again... well... I know I would do things differently... will do things differently, once I get my wish, and prove myself worthy of the title I so crave."

As their conversation shifted to the subject of servitude, Radius questioned Horus about his past loyalties and the betrayal that had shaped his existence.

"I am curious, Horus Lupercal. As a Servant, you are bound to serve me. But do you not yearn for the freedom to make your own choices, to forge your own path?"

Horus hesitated, his expression pained. "There was a time when I would have answered 'yes' without hesitation. But I have learned that absolute freedom can be a curse as much as a blessing. The burden of choice can be a heavy one to bear. Make no mistake, I will not be your bootlick, and if you seek to denigrate me needlessly you will find yourself disposed of at my earliest convenience. For now though, I am happy to remain 'first amongst equals'."

Radius leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Then let us continue to explore the complexities of life and morality together, Horus Lupercal. Perhaps, through our journey, we can both find the balance we seek, the perfect application of conflict and recuperation."

The Foreigner met his Master's gaze, a determined glint in his eyes. "I would be honored to walk this path with you, Radius Aleksei Ikarov."


The sun had begun to set when Radius and Horus Lupercal arrived at the designated location to meet with the Supervisor of the Holy Grail War. The man in question, a stern, white skinned Mage dressed in a crisp suit, awaited them with a disapproving frown. As they approached, he folded his arms across his chest, his gaze scrutinizing the pair.

"Radius Aleksei Ikarov..." the Supervisor began, his voice cold and unyielding. "It has come to my attention that you have summoned your Servant and joined the Holy Grail War without first seeking my approval. Ignoring the fact of how this came to be, I would hear you explain yourself."

Radius, unfazed by the reprimand, merely grinned. "Ah, well, you see, we were simply embracing the chaos of the situation. A minor oversight, to be sure."

The Supervisor's frown deepened, clearly unamused by Radius's nonchalant attitude. "Regardless, you are now participants in this War. As such, you are required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by we who serve as it's arbiters. Your first order of business will be to explain... him..."

Supervisor Lysander Euryale gestured to the demigod of war who strode beside Radius.

"I am Horus Lupercal, a Foreigner Class Servant, and I fight alongside the warrior I chose to serve as my Master in this conflict."

Lysander raised an eyebrow at that.

"Foreigner... Horus... I know of you... I could see how you might've gotten away with being summoned as a Servant, despite being a mere Phantom Spirit of a fictiona-"

"Mere!" Horus growled. "Tread lightly, Supervisor, for I will not tolerate such thoughtless belittlement. Not the least by a mere mortal!"

"Horus, my friend, calm yourself. The time to shed blood will come soon enough. For now, we need to get accepted into the war." Radius counselled him. The Primarch grumbling, yet, easing off for the moment.

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