Chapter 56 - It's time to say goodbye.

Start from the beginning

"All those fucking dishes are Paul's favourite," Adam mumbled. "Is he trying to show how well he knows my mate?"

"Are you mental?" Constantine frowned and squeezed harder on his knee until Adam winced and gave the were his full attention. "You're being an ass. Behave."

Constantine was right, Adam knew he was being unreasonable, childish even. He forced himself to take part in the conversation the were was having with Santo and he almost forgot he was annoyed. After a while everyone was happily talking to everyone else, the food was delicious and the wine flowed.

When a huge bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo and one of Pesto Spaghetti arrived and placed in the middle of the table Adam got up and walked away before he said something he'd regretted. What peeved him was hearing his mate's heartfelt thanks to Virgil for ordering all his favourites. Arghhh! From being on heat was he now PMSing?

A moment later Constantine went to look for him. The were found his charge in a small courtyard at the back of the restaurant. Luckily there weren't any patrons there and they could sit down and talk.

"What's your problem? This is supposed to be a fun night with our friends and you're acting like a dick." Constantine had snatched up a bottle of the chianti and brought it with him. He took a long slug out of it and handed it to Adam.

Adam drank a little. "Sorry for snapping but Virgil is always so...nice. He's pissing me off."

"Yes, shame on him for being nice." Constantine rolled his eyes, he picked up the habit from Shaun.

Adam drank a little more. "We're leaving tomorrow." He said it in a loud dramatic voice as if it was an important News Flash.

Then he sighed heavily and his shoulders slumped. "I was really excited about all our plans but it suddenly hit me....we're LEAVING tomorrow" He looked up at Constantine like a lost child. ".......and I'm scared."

Constantine felt like the rewind button had been pressed and they were back to their early days in Perth. A time when Adam was an emotional mess. He'd been dragged thousands of miles from home and was afraid of his own shadow, hiding his face from anyone who looked in his direction. Adam had come a long way since then but this next step was an even bigger one and he could understand his fear of the future...he felt it as well.

Adam looked at Constantine. "What am going to do without you? Fuck, I never thought I'd say it but I'm going to miss you and your surly face, even your nagging."

The were was humbled by Adam's words. The two had always had an unspoken mutual respect as Master and Bound Wolf and in a small way over the years they'd fallen into a tough-love friendship. Constantine was surprised that it was now, of all times, being put into words. His throat tightened and his own emotions squeezed his chest.

"I'm going to miss you as well. I've gotten used to you." Constantine would have liked to say he had grown to like Adam but that wouldn't ever happen.

"I'm happy you found a mate. He's OK I suppose if you ignore the fact that he's a walking talking ice block. I can't help feeling I take better care of you than him." The were had expected to live out his days as Adam's Bound Wolf. Saying goodbye tomorrow wasn't something he'd anticipated and leaving him with someone he didn't like made it even harder. It wasn't as if he could shut off his feelings of responsibility for Adam like a tap.

His charge rubbed his eyes and he chuckled. "Even when you're being kind you still manage to get in a dig at Paul. Fuck it... Lycan Alpha's don't cry." His eyes went glassy.

More un-Lycan than crying was him grabbing Constantine in a hug and hanging on for dear life.

"I wouldn't have survived the last few years if it wasn't for you. I know I haven't been easy." The floodgates opened and Adam cried as he held on to the were. He'd left his home and family behind without a second thought but not Constantine. The were had made a promise to care and protect him and he had kept his word.

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