Chapter 12

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I slowly brought myself to stand and, on shaky knees, slowly unlocked the door of the bathroom I had just spent a solid 20 minutes crying in. "Come on, Nekori" I told myself as I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure I looked presentable. I took a deep breath and turned away from my reflection, creaking open the door to find a horrific surprise. Lucky me.

There in front of me I saw the Port Mafia's Black Lizard. There was around twenty men in identical black suits, machine guns in hand, led by the commanders, Wannabe Ginger, Aku's sister and Monacle Man as I liked to call them, getting ready to barge into the Armed Detective Agency. I quickly and quietly shut the door again, praying that they didn't see me when I caught myself. 'What the hell am I doing?' I thought, starting in the bathroom mirror once more, glaring at myself with my mismatching eyes. 'What are you, a coward? Get out there and fight them!'

With determination, I opened the door the second they went barging into the office. Half a millisecond later the repeated sound of gunshots were heard. They never learn, do they?

I transformed my arms and legs into Panther limbs and went charging in after the military squad, who were already getting trashed by the few ADA members that were there. I playfully hopped from mafia agent to mafia agent, jumping on their backs and knocking them down as I went. It was pretty fun, not gonna lie. It was like a better version of the floor is lava.

I looked around to see that Dazai had left and it was only Kenji, Kunikida, Yosano and Ranpo fighting. Well, Ranpo doesn't really count 'cause he just sat on a desk and did nothing. Kunikida was judo flipping everyone in sight, Yosano was kicking people in the face with her bright red heels, which I imagine wasn't very enjoyable and most likely very painful, and Kenji was just being Kenji. Absolutely kicking ass, and looking adorable while doing it.

"Stop!" yelled an out of breath Atsushi, who had just come sprinting up the stairs. But we didn't stop, why would we? Hell, I was having the time of my life!

"You finally decided to show up bat!" Yelled Kunikida as he single-handedly dislocated one of the Black Lizard agent's arm. Atsushi just kind of stared blankly at the mess of an office, taking in the whole scene. The fight was pretty much over now, as Black Lizard agents and their commanders lay motionless on the floor. I was currently sitting on Monacle Man at the moment, as he lay unconscious on the floor, for the whole reason that he pisses me off. If a person pisses you off: sit on them, as I always say.

"This is why I hate raids" Kunikida wen on, grumbling to no one in particular "They really throw off our budget."

He whipped out his handy-dandy notebook and began writing down math equations and doing calculations neatly on the pages of his book. Why he didn't just do it on a calculator I'll never know. Suddenly, as Kunikida was trying to figure out what 6 times 8 was, the noise of little sniffles and a meek laughter was heard coming from the door, right we're Atsushi was standing.

"You've got some nerve to laugh, brat..." began Kunikida, but at closer inspection he could see tears streaming from the boys face. "Dude, are you crying!?" I exclaimed, pointing a panther paw at him and stifling a laugh. Atsushi tensed and spun on his heels to face away from us. "NO! I'M NOT CRYING! WHO'S CRYING? ARE YOU CRYING?" He managed to blurt out quickly causing Yosano and Ranpo to give a little chuckle.

"Just look at you" said Kunikida, rolling his eyes as he strode towards the boy. "So typical of your generation. You're given a job and then you run off. Then the second you're given even the slightest bit of criticism, you start bawling your eyes out like a baby!"

"That's not it!" Atsushi tried defending himself, but he was fighting a losing battle. He already had Kunikida in full lecture mode. "I had already got enough of your young energy with Nekori and Kenji around, but now adding you to the mix! And Dazai also technically counts as a child as well, considering the way he acts. If you sum those all up, I'm basically the only one who does any work around here!"

Kunikida blabbered on while Atsushi tried to wipe up his tears as quickly and discreetly as possible. But I could read him like a book. He ran away because he was trying to protect us. The Port Mafia is after him after all, so he must've thought we'd be better off without him. But as soon as he heard those gunshots he probably couldn't help but come back and the tears he was crying now weren't because of the fact that he was getting a KL (that means Kunikida Lecture btw) but he was crying tears of relief.

I felt really bad for him, thinking that he was worthless and only caused problems wherever he went. That's no way to live your life.

So I did something I would've never thought of doing. My legs started moving without consent and I strode to wards Atsushi. And then I hugged him. He was warm, as I snuggled my head under his chin. I felt his body tense up, but then relax as he wrapped his arms back around me. "It's alright Atsushi. We're the Armed Detective Agency. We can deal with the Port Mafia" I whispered softly "You're not worthless"

This, of course, made him cry even more because... well, he's Atsushi. We stayed like this for a few seconds, and I could practically feel the other detectives burning holes at the back of my skull with their stares. I finally released him from the embrace as he looked down on me, sniffling a bit. "Now man up!" I told him, slapping him on the back and looking up at his purplish yellow eyes. "I'm going to go apologise in advance to the neighbours" I informed everyone before I walked out of the agency with Lucky trailing behind me, leaving everyone speechless.


We aren't gonna talk about the fact that I completely forgot about this book for a solid two months...

Tini-san out!

Just My Luck {bungo stray dogs x oc}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن