"Mama..." I am discouraged.

"YA khochu vstretit'sya s nimi. Ty znayesh', eto ochen' vazhno dlya menya, Aleksey."
"I want to meet them. You know this is very important for me, Alexei."

She is walking with eagerness, her high heels making loud noises and she is knocking. I stand up, very straight, next to her holding the dessert plate. The huge door is opening, with a fine breeze smelling like laundry coming out, and it's Vicky's mom, showing up in a fancy outfit. I hear Vicky running down the stairs "I'm coming!"

"Hi, I am Alexei's mom. You must be Vicky's mother?"

She looks surprised by my mom's accent and she is raising up her chin. "Vicky never told me about... Alexei?"

It hurts to hear this, but I know she has issues with her mom. That is normal to not share these things with someone we are in a fight with. I just

Vicky is behind her mom, red. "I'm pretty surprised, I mean... My son talked about your daughter to me."

"Mh", Vicky's mom is mumbling. "My daughter hide things from me then.

Her mom really looks like her, but more tired and exhausted. Even behind her full face makeup I can notice eyebags of tiredness. If I have these too, it's easy to notice who has as well.

"Mom, I-" Vicky tries to explain herself.

"Anyway, God bless you and your daughter... I baked a dessert for you."

"What's that...?" Her mom looks at with disgust. I understand why Vicky has issues with her, she seems pretty not pleasant.

My girlfriend is taking my arm abruptly and brings me inside of the house, pushing her mom. My mom is slightly gasping and Vicky's mom keeps on being on the entrance of the house.

"Sorry for my mom", she says.

"Is she like this all the time?"

I admit, I'm pretty direct. I am not the type of saying "no no it's okay" if I don't mean it. She was rude, so I am being honest.

"I hate her. Yes, she is."

"Where is your dad?" I ask.

"He's taking his shower."

Her house is as luxurious as the outside of it, and the floor is so clean that it's almost shining. The ground floor contains an enormous kitchen with a marble table, a living room with a breathtaking television and very elegant electric fireplace. There are so many more things I could describe of her house because it's so huge and out of the ordinary.

"I'll show you around", she is saying.

She is holding my hand, going upstairs. The space between the stairs is pretty large and there are four rooms where she is leading me.

There is a boy, going out of his room, shirtless and with baggy pants, seeming like he just woke up. "Who the fuck did you bring?"

"It's my boyfriend, dumbass", she hits him on the arm.

"It'll be the third boy you bring here in a year. Anyway, what's his name?"

I did not like to hear this. I am leaving her hand, my smile fading. "Shut up, Jake. His name is Alexe. He's my boyfriend, so please do not mess with him."

Vicky pushes him and enters her room with me. "Is that true you brought three boys here in a year, Vicky?"

She sighs, opening the light. "Don't listen to him. He's always messing around."

I hope she is telling me the truth. And I will believe her.

Her room is huge, full of perfumes and a Bible on her white desk. Her bed is huge, with white sheets and there's pictures of her friends everywhere pinned on the walls with fairy lights. It smells fresh, and it's only messy on her chair that has a huge pile of random clothes. But that's it. There are led lights on her roof that she decides to turn on instead of the regular light. Not to forget, there are many medals hanging on her white desk as well. Golden and mostly silver.

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