Chapter 1 (Author's)

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Author's POV :-
(8years ago)

At Gupta's mansion

Amaira was 15 year old, and she study in class 10th,today's 15 november her birthday. She is desperately waiting for her brother to come home from its college trip. As the time passes , at 1o'clock in noon when the landline phone buzz , her mother attend the call within 1 min her mother started to crying, Amaira ran to her mother and ask

"What happen mumma? Why are you crying?"

"When your brother and his friends return from the trip they(sob)got into a acc(another sob)..accident , your brother save the life of arjun but he left last in the car due to which he came late , a kind man help them and admit them to doctor now everyone is safe except krish he is in coma now".
By saying that her mother broke into crying. Also amaira started to crying.

they both left to hospital in which krish admit, soon they stand in front of the hospital where amaira's father waiting for both of them. Three of them go to the doctor's cabin amaira's father ask" how's the condition of my son now? Is he better ? When will we allow to meet him ?"

"Now He's out of danger,no need to worry but He's in coma Now only god knows when will he wake up and you can meet him one by one " doctor said

Few minutes they talk to the doctor about the krish health. Then they go to the krish room to check him.

After that day, amaira started to hate her birthday and she blame arjun for the condition of krish. The day she wanted to be the best day of the year was now containing the worst memories of her life and all thanks to 'Arjun singh rajvansh' The so called CEO and the king who was unworthy of being called a man.
From that day she started to hate him from her heart and decided to take revenge for her brother.
And also from that day she started to remember the scenes that made her childhood worst that made her life fucking destroy , and the memories change into nightmares.

2 days left :-

Now krish discharged from hospital and taken to the home

At Rajvansh Mansion

Arjun was also have stitches on its left leg and hand. He also fell disgust on himself for The condition of his bestfriend, he blame himself. Beside his bed the krish bag , he took it and check in which he found a letter.

After read that letter he shocked and understood why did his bestfriend save his life. Now he know that was not the fault of him, that was all planned.

Also at singhania's mansion harshit is at bed rest , his right leg is fracture. Also arjun told him about The letter and whole situation.


Hey readers, how's The first chapter.
That's my first time so please don't hate me.

And what do you think what's written in that letter ? 🤔

with lots of love,
your author,


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