Vol. 0 Chapter 1: Restart

Start from the beginning

This is going to be troublesome to explain, that's for sure.

"So let me get this straight." Shinobu said. "You time traveled from about 23 years in the future and these two are your... children?"

"Yes." I replied. There was no better way to describe the situation.

"So that's why you were acting off. You're mentally ill, Kiyotaka-nii-san."

Shinobu misunderstood me, though based on her tone, she wasn't making fun of me. She was genuinely worried about me, which warmed my heart.

"Do you want me to call that man to bring you to the mental hospital? That place must have affected your mind too much. You need help. And you two, stop taking advantage of Kiyotaka-nii-san! I'll kick your asses!"

"I'm glad that you're concerned about Dad, but he's telling the truth." Honami said. "Besides, no need to be so vague. We know about the White Room and how much a piece of trash our grandfather is."

Shinobu was genuinely surprised. I didn't include the White Room in my explanation because I wanted Honami to mention the place to prove to Shinobu that we were telling the truth.

"You.. know?" she said.

"Yeah, I can tell you where it's located on the map right now." Honami replied.

"Yes, we can even tell you how many rooms there are as well as the building's layout." Shin happily added. He has only visited the ruins of the White Room just a few hours ago from our perspective, so for him to claim to know that is impressive. He was probably more intelligent that Arisu was at his age.

"If you need more proof, Matsuo." I turned to our butler. "How's Eiichiro doing?"

Matsuo's composure broke a little as I said this, but he stayed silent for a few moments before speaking.

"I see. So you are telling the truth, Kiyotaka-sama."

"Eh? He really was?" Shinobu now understood that I wasn't mentally ill or joking. She was understandably stunned by this revelation.

"If this is all true, why would you do such a thing, Kiyotaka-sama?" Matsuo asked.

"Because I want to save everyone. That's all there is to it." I said. Shinobu, who was petrified with shock, spoke.

"Save... everyone? What happened to you, Kiyotaka-nii-san?"

I can understand her shock and confusion. After all, I was not the type of person to say such things. The White Room taught me to not care about everyone but myself, so for me to say something like this must have really surprised her.

"A lot has happened." I sighed. "I'll tell you everything that I can."

After that, I told them the summary of all the events that happened. Of course, it was just a general summary, but it was still quite long.

"I... really don't know what to say..." Shinobu was quite speechless. "Though, I'm really glad that you were finally freed from that place."

"I see." Matsuo said. "It seems that I meet such a tragic fate. However, that doesn't matter. I will still help you gain your freedom, Kiyotaka-sama."

"Thank you, Matsuo." I responded. "However, I will save you and your son, no matter what. "

"You have my gratitude." he bowed slightly.

"You need to meet with your... friends first, right?" Shinobu asked.

"Yes. I may need to ask permission from that man to be able to travel around the country." I said.

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