"Don't do anything stupid," she hissed. 

"Well that ruins my whole plan," Eclipse sighed dramatically. 

There's a window right behind her, Qibli thought. If she realizes that, she could kill him and jump out before we could stop her. But right now she thinks she needs him as leverage so we'll let her go. We'll have to distract her so I can attack. Too dangerous this way; might hit Starflight with my tail instead of her. Search for weaknesses. Get closer if I can. 

"Please don't kill him," Moon said, holding out her claws. "Just let him live and we won't stop you - you can leave, go wherever you want."

Eclipse inched ever so carefully to the side, angling herself on Icicle's left side while Qibli angled himself on her right. 

"I promise," Starflight said, his voice hoarse with fear. "You won't have done anything wrong, Icicle. You can still go home now, but if you kill me, Queen Glacier might not take you back."

Is he right? Icicle wondered. She might appreciate a reason to get rid of me so I'm not a threat to her or her daughters. But if I succeed and Scarlet gives me what I've been promised, I'll return home a hero, no matter who I kill along the way. 

"You can't trust Queen Scarlet," Moon said. Icicle jerked her head around to stare at Moon. "Listen, please. Set him free, and I promise we won't tell anyone you were conspiring with her."

Icicle's wings flared. "How did you know that?" she snarled. 

"Queen Scarlet?" said a voice behind them. "Icicle, what are you doing?"

It had been Winter they'd run past, and of course he had followed them. The dazzling confusion of his mind was brighter than ever. He couldn't even process what he was seeing - his sister, about to kill Starflight. 

"Stay out of this," Icicle warned him. "Unless you'd like to be helpful, in which case, go find Sunny and kill her."

"What are you talking about?" Winter shouted. "Why would we do that?"

He's a weak fool, Icicle thought, cold and clear. "Mother always said you weren't as strong or smart as Hailstorm," she spat. 

Winter flinched as if he'd been struck.

"I see you edging closer," Icicle said, glaring at both Qibli and Eclipse. "Listen. I'll just take this librarian with me to make sure no one follows. I'll release him once I'm a safe distance away. That's the best deal you're going to get."

"She's lying," Moon said. 

"She'll kill him as soon as she gets a chance," Eclipse finished. 

And they would know, Qibli thought. 

Icicle shot a poisonous look at Eclipse, then settled her glare at Moon. Very well, Plan B, Multiple kills, escape in the chaos. That SandWing and NightWing are just within range of my frostbreath. Should take out the SandWing first, the NightWing doesn't have a barb. And then I slit Starflight's throat, break the little NightWing's neck; and go after Sunny and the others. That leaves the other NightWing. She might be a little difficult. I can freeze her as well after I kill the SandWing. Winter can stay and whimper over their bones if he wants to. 

She seemed to be focused on Moon, but her mind was waiting for Qibli and Eclipse to try sneaking forward again. Eclipse stopped all movement. 

One step closer, SandWing. One. . .step. . .now -

"Qibli!" Moon yelled, leaping at him. Eclipse leaped for Icicle at the same time, in this chaos there was an opening. 

Moon shoved him out of the way and as a blast of freezing air shot out of Icicle's mouth, Eclipse snatched her snout and yanked it upwards. The freezing ball of ice shot out and only just missed Moon's head but a little caught the edge of Moon's wing; she screamed at the sudden pain. 

Wings of Fire - Eclipse Burning (1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon