"Well deserved," Max added while I agreed. "But you deserve to see her. At this point don't give up mate, you've given the space."

"Thanks," I said flatly still feeling lost with my decisions on when I would try to see her again. Talking to him did make me feel better in general though.

"Did you handle Corrine," Max asked not being able to hide the annoyance.

I nodded sternly. "Should be done next week." I couldn't add more, I didn't want to ruin my good day and the world would know soon enough.

"Good, fuck that," Max spat out then took a deep breath. "Enough lady problem talk. Diving is gonna make you feel way better than talking to me," Max said slapping his knees and standing up. He walked over to the equipment starting to sort through it.

"I'm serious mate, thank you," I told him before standing and zipping up my wetsuit.

Max was right, being in the water was my best day in a while. The cool water eventually warming with our wetsuits, and a few hours away from reality diving around an old famous ship wreck.


The knock on the door disrupted me from my little concert in the living room while I was trying to make a dent to the mess around my house. I slid in my socks to the door trying to peak through the door hole. Whoever was at my door had their hand over it not allowing me to see.

Not knowing who it was, I tried to slide away from the door worried it may be my dad or Charles.

"I can hear the music, I'll use my key," Kelly's voice came through the door. Her threat made me groan, knowing she would do it. I made it back to the door and opened it, suddenly very conscious of my appearance. When Kelly saw me the other day it wasn't my best look, but today was bad even for me.

She swung the door the rest of the way open, she stepped in while evaluating the scene in front of her. "I see you cleaned," she said first pointing to the Chinese takeout in my hand.

I gave her a shy smile and nodded throwing the takeout to my trash corner. My hands wiped down my T-shirt that had been on since Kelly last saw me. This time I had on Charles boxers.

"Sorry I didn't dress up more for you."

"Hush you look great," she shot a wink back. "But I am coming over to make you shower."

I moaned going over to my couch. Kelly had caught me in a weird mood and having company only exaggerated it.

I plopped down face first and turned my head. "Do I have to? I think my hair is finally forming a dread, it's a good look."

Kelly chuckled and pointed to my bedroom. "Go," she said simply. "I'll clean up the trash corner."

I huffed and stood up stomping to my room. I finally stripped out of my dirty clothes. My room was surprisingly clean considering I only produced 3 different outfits in the last two weeks. The shower was wonderful at first then miserable as I tried to wash my hair, using far more conditioner than usual to untangle the nest that had formed. The smell of soap finally filled my nostrils which was welcome after the BO I got used to after 2 or 3 days.

I put on a fresh set of pajamas and slippers, brushed my hair out, then did my skin care routine for the first time in weeks. A massive pimple had formed on my forehead I hadn't even noticed.

Get it together Florence, I told myself in the mirror. When I walked back to the living room, I was amazed at how fast Kelly had straightened up the room. All the trash was gone which was a task I couldn't accomplish over the last few days.

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