Chapter 26: Omen of Movement

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After breakfast was over, I pulled Namjoon aside, into the hallway, asking to speak with him. He looked at me with a question in his eyes, and I gestured towards his room. He brought me into the room and closed the door behind him, watching me as I turned around. He leaned on the door, holding the knob in his hand behind him as he leaned against it. I spoke into the heavy, almost curious silence between us, "I believe you will be busy in the next coming days. Is this so?" I asked him and waited for his response.

Namjoon raised a brow and walked towards me, after releasing the door knob, "Did you take that from my head?"

I gave a small laugh and nodded, "It was loud, Joonah. I could not help but hear it. You were thinking of all that was coming up and how you wanted to spend more time with me." I mirrored his raised eyebrow as I gazed at him.

His lips broke into a mildly embarrassed smirk, and he shook his head, then moved to sit on the bed. I followed and joined him. I took his hands and exclaimed gently, "I want to spend time with you, as well, Jagiya. Unfortunately, something has come up with my people and while you are busy, I must be, too."

His brows furrowed as he looked down at our hands, "So we won't be able to even steal time with each other between schedules?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I am afraid not. But I hope to have my phone with me, at least some of the time, and will respond to texts, if I may. I may have to get rid of it at some point, though." I told him.

He looked into my eyes, judging my words and asked, "What about phone or Facetime calls?"

I frowned, thinking his question over, "Phone calls, perhaps, though not likely." I responded. "I cannot video call, for certain. My image caught is not safe for me. If I am able to, I will call, or I could let you know if I am available and we could go on from there. But I am not sure what will transpire in the next week or more. My hope is that I will finish with my mission quickly and be able to explore this between us further."

Namjoon ran his thumbs over my hands and asked, "So your vacation is kind of over, huh?"

I nodded slightly and responded, "In a way, but when this is done, I should be able to resume it and perhaps you will be able to spare some time to meet."

I watched him as he considered my words, and then formed another question, "Will you be alone? Will you be safe?" He appeared concerned, and I knew he was remembering my previous comments about my own safety. Having faced sasaengs, I knew he understood the concerns around safety, and even though I was not famous, I still hid from most people, because of what I was.

I explained, giving him a reassuring squeeze of his hands, "There is always some danger. I do not know if it will be dangerous, but there is a possibility of danger. But I will not be alone. My friends will be with me." I explained.

Nodding, Namjoon seemed to be considering something else and frowned more deeply, "Wait." He said, "How did you know? Did you get a call or something while I was sleeping? I didn't see you using your phone at all last night or this morning."

I smiled softly at his curiosity, "It was a call of sorts. As I am able to see your thoughts, I am also able to choose to open my mind to the others of my kind and speak from mind to mind. This is how I knew." I told him.

"Oh." He simply said, appearing to accept this with a mildly chagrined look on his face. He then continued after a space of seconds, "When do you leave?"

"Later today. Before twilight." I explained, "I cannot give any other details than that."

"Oh." He said again and began to speak, but then stopped himself sulking over our connected hands.

Catching his thought, I leaned in towards him, answering his unspoken words, "It is not about trust, so much, Joonah. I must consider my people first. I cannot reveal many things to you." I nibbled my lip softly as I considered the man in front of me, "It would be the same as if you told everyone about all the music and choreography you are waiting to release. All your plans for the world to see. If you were to reveal your true lives to the public, such as what has transpired between us, it would be bad for your career and your image in the eyes of your fans." I advised, "But for me and my people the consequences would be worse. We could be deeply exposed. We could lose our lives."

Taking a deep breath, Namjoon let it out slowly and squeezed my hands reassuringly and spoke, "Of course I understand that. I do." He looked at me, gazing into my eyes with worry and some frustration, "But why do I feel like I am going to lose you when I just met you again?" He asked me.

I moved my hand from his and stroked the side of his face softly with my fingers and gently smiled, "Namjoonah. When souls meet and connect as we have, we never truly lose each other. We are always linked. It is only a moment where we miss each other's physical presence. I know you cannot feel me as I feel you, but I will remain with you as much as I am able to, as long as I live." I told him.

I was not surprised when Namjoon suddenly pulled me towards him and into his arms in response to my words. He spoke against my cheek, into my ear as he embraced me, "That doesn't exactly comfort me, but I am going to hope that you return soon." He pulled away from me, and held me at arm's length as he scrutinized my face, as if looking for a promise, "And I'm counting on it. To see you again." He said seriously.

I gazed at him levelly in return, my expression serious, "If I cannot return right away, I will do my best to let you know, though I cannot promise that I will be able to."

He pulled me in to embrace me again and said softly, "I am counting on you being able to. I am counting on you returning." I smiled gently at his words and returned his embrace, nuzzling my face into the curve of his neck, hoping that I would not need to disappoint him and in turn, myself, for I had become quickly attached to this human male, and I felt much as he did. I did not want to lose him.

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