CH.3 A Bet Is A Bet

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I admit that I am left speechless.

I tend to look overconfident and people usually see me as a daring person but in reality it is barely half as what it seems. Keeping my composure is almost a motto to me, that is why I always have a good comeback in situations of need, looking all proud. Hah, if only they knew.

“What do I do now ?” I say to myself as I play with my straw. My strawberry milk strangely tastes twice as good tonight.. I guess it's because my heart is pounding like crazy since earlier. Whenever I remember the words he said I get overwhelmed and smile like an idiot. People are looking at me weird actually, it must be unusual to witness such stupid behavior in the middle of the street around eleven in the evening.

Suddenly, my phone's notification rings.

It must be Jimy asking how my early night shift went, I think to myself as I pick up my phone out of my pocket, still sipping on my drink. I switch it on and quickly look away, damn, the light almost burned my retina. I look at it once again while closing my eyes a little and sees a familiar name appear on the screen.

“Wind Haeman?” I say to myself. Wind?!I suddenly realize and freeze instantly in the middle of the pavement. I don't even have the time to understand what's going on that another notification pop on the screen.

“Save my contact, you might need it for later” is written on the notification.

This guy won't let me breath for a second won't he ?! A smile goes all the way up to my ears. Is it the beginning of sometimes great ? Is my lucky star with me on this one ? I'm blushing like an idiot for the millionth time today but I don't hate it. I quickly type a response and put my phone back into my pocket.

This game seems dangerous, after all I could get even more heartbroken than I've been four years ago.. but it is definitely exciting. My bored and dusty soul is finally living again.


“Yeah” He said. I gently smile as I see the notification appear on my screen.

“Don't play hard to get Yim.. you fell for me years ago” I say as I pat my cat, quietly sleeping on my laps.

“Do you want to eat?” I ask her. She suddenly wakes up at the sound of the word "eat". “You're a little foody, aren't you ? You kind of remind me of someone.. ” I say, grinning a little. “Let's get you some food Jaidee” I say as I hold her in my arms, get up and put my slippers on.


May is coming home late tonight apparently.. I knocked on her door but no one was there. Too bad, I will need to keep this excitation for myself only.

At first I wanted to keep it a secret between me and Wind but let's be honest, everyone knows that I can't shut up for two seconds. I wonder what Nit and Jimy are going to say about that.


It is night already, I should go home or my brother will give me an earful, I think to myself as I pick up my stuff from my locker. I ran until pretty late today too, I truly have legs of steel..

Yeah, you could say I'm one of the only crazy people on earth who actually likes to run. Yim would definitely judge me if he heard that, that annoying guy would need to get paid only to run ten meters. But to me, running is a way to .. escape.

When I run, my mind goes blank, every unnecessary thoughts instantly vanishes and my mind finally finds peace. It feels like a breath of fresh air hitting my body at every new step.. I'm living, I'm breathing, my entire being feels fulfilled as I run and run again. To me, this feeling is true happiness.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 21 ⏰

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