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"Thanks for dropping me at home... I probably could have driven myself but better safe than sorry." I said, smiling as I looked up at Spencer. We had been out for drinks with the team, and while I hadn't gone completely overboard, I definitely had at least one too many tonight.

"It's no problem." He said with a smile. That cute little smile that showed his dimples far too well.

"You need to stop smiling at me like that." I said, he shook his head and continued smiling.

"Like what?" He asked, his smile became bigger.

"Like you like me..." I trailed off, leaning against my closed door and looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"I do like you." His smile began slipping.

"No, like you... like like me. Which sounds extremely childish, but I feel like there's no other way to put that." I said, and that smile came back.

"What if I did like you?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"We're friends, Spencer. We can't and... and the team would know..." I trailed off as he took a step closer to me. I kept my eyes locked on his, it was near impossible to look away from him right now.

"So what if the team knows? They already think something is going on between us anyway." He spoke the truth. I don't know how many times I had been asked about this since I joined the team permanently, how many times I had been asked about what our history meant.

"Look, I'm drunk and-"

"No you're not, you're not slurring your words, you could have driven but you..." his eyebrows furrowed as he realised, "you wanted me to come here."

"No, I wanted to make sure I didn't get done for drink driving." I responded, even though something was sitting in my chest as I spoke.

"Sure." He replied, he swallowed hard as he took one more step towards me. "So, if I kissed you right now you would push me away? Because you don't want me here and all."

"I would, because I just needed a ride home." I replied with a smirk. But then he tucked my hair behind my ear, his fingers brushing my cheek and in the process wiping that smirk from my face. Fuck.

"Right." His fingers held my neck, his thumb running over my cheek once more. "Just a ride home."

"Because we're just friends." I added, tilting my head upwards as he closed the final step between us.

"Just friends..." He whispered, and I nodded which caused his thumb to brush my skin again. Without thinking I nestled my cheek into his hand, and my mind started picturing things it shouldn't have been thinking. Like what his lips would feel like against mine, or what his hands would feel like on my waist...

"Just friends." I whispered too, before I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down to my height. The last few inches between us disappeared as I crashed my lips to his, and it felt like everything clicked into place.

My fingers made their way into his hair as I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. I felt his breath fanning over my face, the warmth from his body and the electricity that ran through me from his touch. But I opened my eyes and looked into his, and the realisation of what I just did hit me.

"Fuck." I whispered, taking my hand out of his hair. "I didn't... I shouldn't have..." Spencer took a step backwards, and as he took his hand away from my cheek it felt like he took a piece of me with him. "I'm sorry, Spencer, I'm just not..." I'm not ready yet.

The Ghost of Princeton ||Spencer Reid||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora