sinking feeling

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a few months later

"Garcia, I was meant to be having today off..." I said as I sat up in my bed, the phone pressed to my ear.

"You'll want to come in for this." She said, and the panic in her voice set me on edge.

"Why? What's going on?" There was a sinking feeling in my stomach. Something bad had happened, something really fucking bad. I got out of bed and went to the wardrobe before she even responded.

"It's Reid... he's been arrested in Mexico for possession of drugs with intent of distribution." Garcia said, which made me completely freeze up.


"I... I don't know, I'm still trying to get details. Emily, Rossi and Alvez are on their way to the jet now-"

"I'm going too. Tell them to wait, I'll be fifteen minutes." I said, immediately hanging up the phone so there was no room for argument. The first things I took hold of were what I wore, a sky blue blouse, black dress pants and a pair of black boots with an inch heel to help me get some form of extra height on me. There was no time to grab spare clothes or a bag, if I needed them I would buy them down there. Instead I sprinted to my car and made my way to the jet.

Luckily they did wait for me, and I think I only took a breath once I was sitting down on the jet.

"I told you guys she'd come." Alvez said, a smile on his face. A smile, in the situation we were in? I couldn't even muster the thought.

"One of you needs to catch me up, now." I told them, but before one of them did Rossi spoke.

"Stiel, we need a clear head on this. If you're coming down, you either need a clear head or be able to speak Spanish-"

"Don't fucking test me old man." I spoke in fluent Spanish, and I knew I got away with it when he didn't flinch.

"What did she just say?" Rossi asked, turning to Luke and Emily who both had shocked looks on their faces.

"That she's got a clear head." Luke covered for me, and Emily didn't give me away either. Thank god. But I probably shouldn't have said those words in the first place, I had to calm down and take a breath.

"But not in those words." Rossi continued.

"Not quite..." I whispered, looking at him. "I'm sorry. Honestly I don't think I've felt this much panic since..." ever.

"You two are close?" Luke asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, we have our history but we worked it out. The last few months have helped work out all of the kinks and we've become really good friends." I answered-he smirked. Fuck I hated it when he smirked.

"Friends?" Why does everyone act the same when I say that Spence and I are friends? Was I missing something?

"Yes, now can someone please tell me what's going on?"

They caught me up, telling me how Spencer had been arrested in Mexico. That both cocaine and heroine were found in the boot of a car he had been driving in a chase. That he seemed extremely out of it and had likely been drugged.

And I shut down.

There was too much running through my head for me to be a part of the conversation when Garcia called. Too many theories trying to piece themselves together all at once as we landed. I only snapped back to reality when we were in the precinct, and I saw him behind bars.

He was covered in dirt, his hair completely dishevelled as he faced away from us.

"Spence." I said, and he turned around to look at us. Slowly he walked to the bars and it took everything in me to not be overcome by anger. There was no recognition in his eyes, which wasn't his faut, and it was making my blood boil. Whoever did this would not get away with it.

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