Peter left Karla alone for a while so he could go up and explain the situation to Kamala and see if she would be willing to talk with Karla and try to bridge the gap between them.
He expected Kamala would have strong reservations about it and would certainly be a little angry by the idea of meeting with her former mentors enemy, but this was for Karla. To give her a fighting chance at having a normal life, something away from all the harm she's caused in the past and to put her supervillain life as Moonstone behind her.
Peter reached the upper floors of the building where the girls where sleeping and he made his way to Kamala's room. Gently knocking on the door he waited for Kamala to answer to see if she was willing to speak with Karla, he hopes that as his protégé that she learned how to try and reach out and help people, especially those who've wronged us in the past.
Kamala lazily opened the door, her appearance showing that she just recently got up from bed herself, or more likely he just woke her up. She rubbed whatever sleep was still in her eyes as she took in the sight of her true mentor standing behind her door.
"Peter? Why'd you wake me so early?" She asked tiredly stifling an oncoming yawn.
"Sorry about this Kamala, I came by to ask you something. It's kind of important." He apologised, urging the importance of what he had to ask.
"Okay?" She questioned him confused as to what it was that he wanted to ask her.
"You see... Karlas arrived... and I was wondering..." he was about to ask what he came here for when she interrupted him.
"I don't want anything to do with her." She said firmly, despite being evidently still tired she was awake enough to immediately decline whatever it was he had to say about Moonstone.
"Please Kamala... would you just listen for a second?" He practically begged for her to hear him out on this.
Kamala sighed and rested against the door frame allowing him the time to explain himself and why he had to wake her for anything related to Karla.
"Look, I know you may not have the best opinion of her." He began.
"That's saying something." She retorted sarcastically.
"But... she really seems like she wants to start over and put that while Moonstone business behind her. I'm giving her a chance for that but I know first hand that that's a long hard road, so I was hoping that if you two could talk things over then maybe she'd feel a little more comfortable around here." He explained hoping that he could convince her.
"Because honestly Kamala... she's just scared and alone right now. And she's just as uncomfortable with the idea that you're here too but if you could manage to put that aside... then maybe she'll have an easier time adjusting to a new life." He finished.
Kamala for the most part didn't really like the idea of talking to her, sure she may have been Carols main enemy but for a time Carol was her mentor and she knew all about Moonstone and what she's done. So she wasn't fond of speaking to her at all.
But after what Peter said, about her wanting to start over, she began to question the legitimacy of those words. Was she really looking to start over or was this all some elaborate plan to take down Peter and his company?
Then he told her that Karla was scared... and alone. And for a moment Kamala did have a bit of sympathy, after all it wasn't like she asked to be a super villain and although it doesn't excuse her actions maybe all it took was someone to reach out and help for them, or her, to change their ways.
"Fine. If you think it's a good idea... then I'll do it." Kamala agreed but still being cautious of the whole ordeal.
"Thank you Kamala. It means a lot to me that you're willing to do this, not to mention it makes me proud to know you are willing to help reform a former villain. I taught you well if that's the case." Peter said praising Kamala for taking such a step.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.