“I am paying attention but I got confused!”

“Ok, quick family tree shit. Lyctor, Clawstin and Howliver are all brothers, my half-siblings, my dad and Moonica's sons, got it?”

“Got it,” she nodded.

“Anyway, Uncle Lycardo, who is my mother's husband, my stepfather per say, was the one who managed to calm things down.”

"He sounds like someone reasonable."

"Yes, and he's also the one who hates me the most," said Alex, pacing, "Let's say that I was born from an affair between my dad and Lycardo's wife, but that's another story. The point is...”

"No, wait. I got confused again... Are you the son of your uncle's wife and your dad?"

“Oh con una chingada! Lycardo is married to Betatriz. Alfanso and Moonica are married. My dad is Alfanso, my mum is Betatriz and I'm a bastard."

She gasped.

"Don't say it like that, it sounds awful!”

"Well, it's the truth," he said with a grunt, "But back to the story! When Ralphael, Delton and Gamaliel tried to tell their dad..." Alex noticed Jade's confused face and sighed, "They are Lycardo and Betatriz's sons."

"Oh! Got it!"

"You know what? Forget it. The point is that homosexuality was not very well regarded at the Alfaro residence, so my relationships, and I'm talking purely sexual, with men never came to light."

"But you're no longer at the Alfaro residence."

“But I don't want to be with Draco because I think my pheromones are what attract him to me!"

"What if that wasn't the case?" Jade asked, "What if you don't want to be with him because you're afraid to be openly..."

"Openly bisexual like Zeth?" He laughed, "I'm not afraid of being with a man out in public, I was worried before but not anymore. In fact, I used to be a womanizer to pretend that I didn't like both men and women. I was a hypocrite."

"Why do you say that?"

“Whenever Gamaliel and Delton brought girls home, I scolded them,” he chuckled, “Oh dear! I was the one usually left in charge of watching those two idiots, even though Delton is older than me.”

“Were they womanizers?"

"As much as I was," Alex looked down, he didn't look very proud, “But I changed when Delton’s twin sister, Luna, started dating a jerk who was very similar to me. Omeghan told Luna that she was being too dramatic and that also led to an argument, but the two of them were too different to get along, so different that it was hard to believe they were sisters.”

"I'm going to need a pen and paper if we're going to continue this conversation," Jade whispered, "I keep getting confused."

“Fuck!" Alycandro growled, "Luna, Omeghan, Ralphael, Delton, Gamaliel, they are all children of Lycardo and Betatriz. Anyway! Luna always said that Omeghan was too young and unfeminine to understand her, and that only I could because love was an adult thing, but please! Omeghan was just two years younger than Luna!”

"Luna sounds like Melody," Jade said, rolling her eyes, "But you still haven't answered my question. You don't want to be with Draco because you think it's your pheromones what attracts him to you? Or is it because...

"The problem is that Draco is my best friend, and if romance ruins it... I don't want to lose him."

"Since when have you loved him?" Jade asked.

"Since before Monster Mash," he said, looking down. "Usually, the desire to be with him went away when I had sex with someone random or took a hot shower, but it never lasted." When he crossed his arms in front of his torso and held the hem of his tank top, he glanced over his shoulder. "Hope you don't mind," he then took his shirt off his bulky and perfectly sculpted body, revealing the defined lines of his abs, “I need to take care of this... Lust.”

Jade had to admit, though, he did look rather spectacular.

But she shivered.

"W-What are you doing?" Her breathing hitched as she spoke in a whisper, hoping her heart would beat normally.

He suddenly turned his back to her, then he took off his sweatpants and she couldn’t help but watch as his ass flexed under the fabric of his purple boxer briefs. From the mirror in front of her, and him, the long bulge at the front of his underwear made her look away quickly.

Heat was spreading across her cheeks.

That’s what happens when you don't have any control over your hormones, apparently.

“I asked you a question,” she insisted.

“I heard you the first time,” he turned and faced her, his eyes locking onto hers. Her heart was suddenly beating so hard it might burst through her ribcage.

His lips curled into a smile, and he took a step towards her. Jade swallowed, trying to keep herself from flinching.

His smell was intoxicating, something like lotion and sweat.

“What are you looking at?” she asked.

“You,” he gave her one last grin before he leaned forward until their noses were practically touching.

“You are scaring me,” she warned with a low voice, “Is this about what we talked about at the hotel? You're gonna... We're gonna....”

"No," he said with a chuckle. Then he grabbed the towel that was behind her on the bed and all the tension faded from her face, “I was just going to take a shower and take care of something... Personal. But you can stay here if you want."

He winked at her before he started walking away.

"I think I made up a story in my head, but it really seemed like a horror story," Jade’s hands trembled as she took another look at the bedroom. Everything was neat, purple, and golden, and it smelled good. Jade thought it would be a mess, but she couldn't help but think that it looked nice. The room reminded her of home, of everything that she missed. The bed was made, there were no clothes thrown around, and there wasn't anything out of place.

He was attractive, athletic, clean, tidy and mysterious.

A blush spread across her cheeks.

How did she fall for someone she barely knew?

She sighed as she dropped herself backwards on the bed.

It was too late to go back now.

She spread her arms on the fur of his bedspread. She got lost in the purple colour of the ceiling.

“I don't want to be here when he comes back or I'm going to do something outrageous!" She got up and pushed open the door, then stepped out.

She immediately crashed against someone.

"Jade?" It was Draco, who had branches in his hair and mud everywhere, and was shaking like a squirrel with ten cups of coffee on him. "Is Alex in there?! Frank said he is home! And then he scolded me for having mud in my boots and yelled at me that he had just mopped but that doesn't matter. I need to talk to Alex! I did something stupid and I need to fix this or our friendship will end all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut!" He was talking so fast that she could understand him less than when Alex talked about his large family.

"Draco! Slow down! Breathe!" Jade held him by the cheeks. "No. He said he would take a shower, and probably do something I don't want to admit I’d like to imagine, but I do want to talk to you."

"Why do your eyelashes look longer?" Draco asked, "And your hair... Does it look fluffier?"

"Maybe puberty came late, who knows?!”

 "And why do you have a similar smell to Alex?" Draco inhaled deeply. "Were you with him?"

"Don't change the subject with me young man," Jade sounded like her mother, "You and I need to talk."

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang