Jay went to try and find Askel in the library. Curled up in a ball, with a letter in his hand, Askel was sitting there.

"What's wrong my friend?" Jay asked as he sat next to him.

Askel looked at him.

"Letter from my mum," he said blandly

Jay knew that was enough. He always got depressed when his mother wrote. Askel silently passed it to him.


I can't say I'm not disappointed in you. While your grades are more than appropriate I expect more from someone who comes from our family. If I get one more letter from that mudblood-loving headmaster of yours explaining that you have been having a hard time in school I will punish you severely.

It's time for you to join the ranks and take your rightful place in this family. Your sister has and I expect you to. I have spoken to those who matter and they have all agreed to let you join. When you come home you will finally become one of us.

This is a privilege so many children wish to have. Be grateful.


Jay looked up from the letter.

"What am I supposed to do?" Askel whispered

"Come live with us!" Jay blurted out

Askel scoffed.

"My mom would never let me," he explained, "she already despises the fact that I hang out with you."

"Who cares? She can't make you become a death eater!" Jay hissed 

Askel felt a lone tear fall down his face.

"We need to tell Dumbledore," Jay suggested

"No," Askel said rubbing his eyes, "he's the reason I'm in this mess. I'll figure it out, Jay."

He gave a wary smile.

"As long as I have you by my side..." he said, "I can do anything."

Year: 1979-1980
Age: 13

Askel rubbed his arm. The dark mark that had been burned there over the summer holiday had been bothersome. More than bothersome, it had been horrible.

"I wish I could understand why we have to do this potions essay," Jay complained

They were sitting in the library attempting to finish homework. If only Askel could concentrate, on anything but his arm.

"Um Jay," a small voice mumbled

They all looked up to see Jay's youngest brother, Chul, standing there looking terrified.

"What?" Jay asked

"I... n-needed help w-with my history of m-magic homework," he stuttered

Jay sighed.

"You can work with Askel then. He knows more than me,"

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