"Oh my God" Nevaeh gasped,

"Where did you get that?" Miles inquired,

"I fell" Tara whispered,

"No, you didn't" Paris cut in,

"I did" Tara argued,

"I want names" Paris demanded,

"Paris, she said that she fell, let her be" Nevaeh whispered,

"No she didn't fall, judgimg from the bruise, it was a punch, probably inflicted from someone taller, so it's a safe guess to assume that it was from an older person, at the same time, it could also be from an agemate if she was seated and they were standing, so this bruises were not from a falling accidents, I know how all types of bruises and this is definitely one from assault" Paris explained as she examined the bruise,

"How do you know all that?" Nevaeh asked in pure curiousity,

"I've been in only so much fights to know this" The girl answered calmly as she stared at her lying younger sister,

"So tell me Ara, who did this?" She added in a stern tone,

"Paris, leave the girl alone" Nevaeh groaned,

"Why do you need to know do badly?" Rayven asked,

"If I don't hit my sister, no motherfucker should, I swear to God, call me a bastard if I don't break a nigga's face" Paris answered angrily,

"Let's just sit down, have a peaceful dinner and continue this discussion sometime later" Nevaeh suggested,

"No, I want names, Now" Paris demanded,

"I" Tara mumbled, about to crack,

"No Kitara, don't do it" Nevaeh yelled,

"Kitara, give me names" Paris yelled,

"Kitara" Nevaeh said in a stern tone,

The two females continued to bicker back and forth as Kitara got confused on who to obey,

"They can't just get away with that" Paris yelled,

"Paris, you just got out of trouble, can't you wait a little before you fuck up again?" Nevaeh yelled,

"I don't care, they hurt my sister" Paris yelled, slamming her hands down on the table,

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me" Nevaeh said in a calm voice,

"What type of mother are you, how would you let something this slide? Didn't you see her arm? Who knows what else they are doing to her?" Paris yelled,

"Young lady, eat your food in silence or go up to your room this instant" Nevaeh said,

"Whatever, you know I'mma still slide for Kitara, I don't need your help" Paris huffed as she abandoned her meal and stomped up the stairs,

"Whatever you plan to do, don't get caught and lift your frickin' legs, you don't pay the rent" Nevaeh yelled,


"What did you say his name was again? I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Paris laughed,

"That is my cousin and his name is Hireath" Rayven repeated for the sixth time in a row,

"Be nice, you airhead" Rayven whispered, nudging the girl with her elbow as the boy jogged up to them,

"Oww, oh hey Hireath, nice to meet you" Paris smiled,

"Hey Paris, It's really nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you, Rayve won't shut up" Hireath smiled,

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