Dance With Me

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This story is NOT mine.
It belongs to Luna0713Hunter on ao3.

I think your brother will kill me if he finds out about this, Liam."

William James Moriarty, lets out a low chuckle and glances behind himself from where he's leading Sherlock to gods know where.

"Are you scared, Holmes-san?"

Sherlock is absolutely horrified from the idea of Louis James Moriarty finding out about him sneaking around in the middle of the night with his precious big brother.

"Liam, sometimes I think you don't love me anymore; do you want me to get killed by your brother so bad?"

He can make out William shaking his head at his behavior in the dark. He's only joking of course... he knows Williams loves him just as much as he does.. he trusts William with his life,just as he has proven before.. but something about William leading him up the stairs of an abandoned mansion,was doing something funny to his damned heart...

"Louis isn't that bad,Sherly-"

"He threatened to kill me with a knife last time!"

"He's just worried I might end up like last time...and..."

He paused. Reaching out for the door handle Sherlock assumed.

"And you won't be around to save me this time..."

It was funny how with every single word, William managed to remind him why he fell in love with him in the first place... it wasn't that he was the lord of crimes... it wasn't that he was from one of the richest families in London..

It was these moments that Sherlock would remember why he fell in love with the blonde man... how William would show his vulnerable side only to him... how he would stop faking, acting like he's okay, and would just be himself when he was around Sherlock.

"We're here, Sherly."

With his soft voice, Sherlock snaps out of his daydreaming before following William inside the dark room...

The room was lit poorly by the moonlight that was shining through the open window... there was a soft breeze, moving the white silky curtains up and down, and Sherlock was absolutely paying no attention to the sight that laid in front of him... the only thing that worth watching was him,and him only.

And how could William managed to be so breathtaking even in the dark?

The blonde's scarlet eyes were shining like two precious gemstones, his silky golden hair moving with every single step he took,and when he turned around to smile at Sherlock, that beautiful smile.
'oh' Sherlock thought 'I fell hard,didn't i...'
William stretched his hand, a silent invitation that Sherlock hurriedly accepted, tripping over his own feet causing the blonde man chuckle loudly, a sound that Sherlock lived for and would trip a thousand more times just ti hear it.

William took his hand and pulled Sherlock closer, he then reached behind himself to fiddle with something that Sherlock hadn't noticed before : a gramaphone...

When the music started, low and soothing, William looked up at the taller man, a sheepish smile dancing on his pale pink lips.

"We didn't spend much time since we came back I thought..."

And gods above Sherlock died and went to heaven on that spot.

He swayed with the music, slowly leaning down to connect his lips with the blonde's, feeling William smiling throughout the kiss... it wasn't their first kiss, and it wouldn't be the last... they had all the time they needed in the world...

When they parted, they stayed close, their foreheads touching and the music playing.

This was their lives,their story...and Sherlock be damned if he said he wasn't enjoying every second of it.

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