Chapter 29| "jealous"

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"I don't like him," He announces.

"What? Why? We talked for like three minutes how could you already not like him?" I ask but I'm not surprised anyone and anything annoys this man.

"His face was looking at you," He mumbles.

"Are you jealous?!?" I asked probably a little too excited.

"Nah, I don't get jealous," He shrugs not fooling anyone.

I let go of his hand and turned back, "So you wouldn't mind if I..." I say gesturing back inside.

He scoffs before grabbing my hand again, "Don't even try," He states quietly and my stomach does flips.

"I knew you were jealous," I beam walking beside him.

"Well you make me get jealous," he admitted, I'll blame the cold on the fact my cheeks are bright red right now. but

We walk around for a bit longer before I get too cold to stay out any longer, When we get back their just serving the appetizers and some more drinks.

"That's disgusting," Grey states bringing his glass to his lips to wash out the taste of the appetizer he just ate.

"It can't be that bad," I argue picking one up off his plate.

"Give it a go love," He urges.

Without hesitation I take a rather large bite, The flavour hits my tongue and I almost spit it back out immediately.

"Mhm," I hum disgusted.

"Told you," He states handing me a napkin so I don't have to swallow whatever that monstrosity is.

"Thank you," I wiped the corners of my mouth with a new napkin.

"Princess, I was wondering if we might have a word?" A voice said from behind me, Grey rolled his eyes as I turned to see who it was.

"Anthony, Of course," I say politely.

"Lovely," He nods, After a few moments he clears his throat, "Would you mind?" He asks looking behind me at I assume a mad-looking Greyson.

"I would-," He starts and I turn around quickly stopping him before he says something the Prince would find rude.

"It's ok," I mouth, "I'll be right back," I nod looking him in the eyes.

He scoffs annoyed before looking at me and nodding.

"So what do you want to talk about? I ask as we walk away.

"I thought it might be beneficial if we got to know each other," He explains.

"OK?" I nod suspiciously, It's probably because we've never met before and we're both heirs to various thrown's, it might be useful to be friends.

"So, what are you studying, I hear you're all the way in America," He asks.

"I don't have one specific major, I'm taking a little bit of everything," I explain, he nods understanding. "What are you studying?" I ask in return.

"Political science and business, are mostly what I focus on," He says.

"Fun," I nod.

We talk for a while just about whatever comes to mind, getting to know each other better as we talk. He can be funny when he wants to be it seems but that isn't often as I've learned.

"I hope to talk to you soon," he nods as I walk away back to a very annoyed-looking Greyson.

"What did the dick want?" He asked looking at the table and not at me.

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