Mentally Unstable

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-Shayla's POV

I was found in a desert. When they found me I was on the verge of death. I was starving, a little dehydrated, and I'm pretty sure I had heat stroke.

Well, anyways, I was taken back to civilization. I was fed, and I was able a bathe myself.

I was always going on and on about the things I swear I saw in the past year. I'd always say how UFOs came every night. How they'd always try to take me.

I was then forced to go to therapy. Even they couldn't help me. I was pronounced 'mentally ill' and sent away to a mental hospital.

Things were supposed to get better for me.... they just got worse.

I developed schizophrenia and started hearing voices in my head. They didn't bother me that much before. But, now they come more frequently. They're louder now, and always telling me what to do.

Then there are those time where I just lose control. My mind just goes blank, and my body does whatever it wants to. I almost killed 3 of the other patients and 4 nurses. I was told I was too dangerous for that hospital. I had to be shipped to a different one.

This one looked more like a prison. The only difference was the rooms. They actually looked pretty comfy. I was escorted -well, more like dragged- in by some guards. Yes, guards. They have to make sure we don't kill each other or anything like that. On the way in I got a glimpse inside a padded room. I saw a boy sitting there.

He had a curly afro, but I didn't have time to actually observe him. Not before the guards forced me into the lunchroom.

I looked around at the others. We all had on same same, dull, grey colors. But the girls had on hospital gowns, and the boys had on a jumpsuit type thing. I approached an empty table and sat down. I just sat there bored out of my mind at my table until I looked up and saw two more girls and a boy.

"Newbie?" one girl with a light complexion and beautiful black hair asked.

"Yeah.." I replied.

"Told you guys!" the other girl exclaimed. She was also light skinned, and had purple hair. I looked at her with a confused face.

"I'll explain later" she said, noticing the look of pure confusion on my face.

"Anyways.... my name's Craig" the boy spoke up. He had short, curly hair. It was black with a little blond part.

"I'm Zendaya. But everyone calls me Daya" the girl with the black hair said. "Breaunna" the purple haired girl stated as she stuck out her hand for me to shake.

I gladly took her hand. "Shayla." I smiled. "So why are you here?" Daya asked.

I told them about me. About how I wound up in a desert. About how I was forced to go the therapy. And of course, how I ended up here.

I learned about them, too.

Like Zendaya? She has Pyromania, which caused her a little jail time.... She also has Tourette's disorder. It's not that bad, though. She just twitches and jerks her neck sometimes.

Craig has Somatization disorder. He sometimes gets sudden pains and has anxiety problems. He also has Hypomania.

And Breaunna? She has Schizophrenia, like me. She has a slight case of PTSD. I dont exactly know what caused her to get it, cause she wont tell me. But, I know she has alot of flashbacks and nightmares of that event.

Bre, Craig, and Daya told me about some of the people here. I looked over to the other side of the room. I saw a girl with blue hair sitting on a boys lap. The boy had two long braids. There was a pink haired girl sitting by them. A few more people sat at the table, most of them boys.

"Who are they?" I asked and pointed to the table. The three simultaneously turned around. Bre And Daya made faces and turned back around the face me. Craig turned back around, too.

"Only the most obnoxious people in here" Craig replied. "Blue-head over there? That's Zonnique." Daya said. "She's waaaay to into herself." Bre added. "So is Bahja" Craig said. "Who?" I asked, confused.

"Pinkie over there" Craig said as he looked back and pointed to the pink haired girl. "Oh, okay," I started. "Continue..." "Okay, two braids is Ray" Bre said. "The others are Chresanto, Jaden, and Diggy" Zandaya said. "Oh.... why are they here?" I asked. "Zonnique and Jaden are like us. They have Schizophrenia. Bahja is Bipolar and she's Anorexic" Bre started.

I looked over and observed Bajah. She looked so pale and weak. Her clothes draped over her shoulders and were really big on her. I looked back to the group. "Uh-huh..." I said as a sign to keep going. "Ray also has Somatization disorder.." Craig said. I looked back over to their table. I saw Ray lift up Zonnique's hospital gown a little and start grinding on her a little. Umm... okay, did NOT need to see that. I turned my attention back to my table. "Chresanto has Scizoffective disorder" Daya said. I heard about that. They have the same symptoms as if they has Schizophrenia and depression or Schizophrenia and are bipolar. "Stop Stopping!" I said. I was getting a little annoyed of the pauses.

"Okay, Damn... Diggy has Delusional disorder. He was on the whole "The World Will End" thing. Now..... I don't even know what it is." Bre said.

"Oh... okay" I looked around the room one more time. I saw one guy at a table in a corner, He was all by himself. He actually looks kinda scared and fidgety.

"What about him?" I asked, pointing to the guy turning back around. "That's Jacob L..... He has PPD(Paranoid Personality Disorder). He thinks the whole world is out to get him..... literally" Breaunna said.

After about 10 more minutes, everyone had to go back to their rooms. I was escorted to an office of some sorts. I was given a room number, and a schedule. I needed a schedule for my therapy classes, and to know when food is served. Other than that, I have nothing but free time.

I was escorted down the hall to my room. I knocked on the door to have Breaunna answer it. "Oh, hey! Wassup?" she smiled at me. "I'm your roommate" I said as I returned the smile. She smiled even harder and pulled me in the room. We chilled and talked until lights out.

~-~NEXT DAY~-~

The nurses woke us up. I got up and took a shower before Bre. I put on another hospital gown and left the room. I made my way down the hall looking for the right room. I finally found the room and went in. I sat down and waited for a few minutes before the therapist came in.

It was a usual session. I was asked the usual questions and I gave the usual answers. After the session, I was walking down the hall when I bumped into someone. We both fell right on our butts. I got up, with my backside very sore. I looked up and saw Zonnique with an angry expression on her face.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass!" she yelled at me. She tried walking past me but I held my arm out to stop her.

"Uh-uh. Who the hell you talkin' to like that?" I asked, shoving her back.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she screamed and got in my face. I took a deep breath to try to compose myself.

"Get out of my face" I warned her through clenched teeth.

"No" she said and smirked. This hoe thought I was playing with her.

"I'll tell you one last time. GET OUT OF MY FACE" I said once again.

"You don't control me" she said and shoved me back. I lost it. I tackled her and wrapped my hands around her neck. I choked her and she started to turn blue.

'At least her face matches her hair now.' I thought. I would've choked her to death if the guards didn't come. They pulled me off of her and dragged me back to my room.

I got to my room and sighed. If each day is like today, this place is gonna be hella interesting....

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