Part 1

91 7 0


Female lead:

Name: Min Y/N

Age: 21

Father: Mr.Min ( dead )

Mother: Mrs.Min

Education : compeleted 

job : still finding 

Male lead :

Name: Kin Seokjin

Age : 25

Father : Mr.Kim

Mother :

Sister : Missing

Y/N side pov:

?? : Witch wake up !! We are getting late.

Y/N : Let me sleep -_- . Stop distroying my ear !

?? : Your better wake up or else I will give you flying slipper !

Y/N : Yeah! I am awake.

?? : Good girl. Now get ready


( ??) is Y/N best friend aka miasa. They both are orphan. An old couple adopt them from orphanage. But unfortunately they dead on a road accident. And they write their flower shop to Y/N and her bestie. But Y/N want to work in the biggest company Kim Industry.

Seokjin side pov: : Yeah wake up son !

Jin : let me sleep for a little. : Yeah wake up dont u said u have meeting ?

Jin : Oh shit I forget that (┬┬﹏┬┬) : Stop your drama and get ready. I am going to make breakfast.

Jin: Hm

Y/N side pov:

Y/N : Today I have interview at Kim Industry.

Maisa : Then go. I can manage the store.

Y/N : Then ok. Bye!'

Maisa : Best of Fuck🌚

Y/N : 🙃Thank You

One other side pov :

pov : After meeting end Seokjin working  on something . But someone knock knock

Seokjin : Come in ( cold tone )

Jimin : Yeah you ugly pig! Can not you talk nicely.

Seokjin : Why are you here ?

Jimin : Can not I  visit my bestfriend office🙃.

Seokjin : Ofcourse not . ( focus on screen )

Jimin : Whatever 😒.

Pov : Y/N reached at kim Industry.

Y/N : I am here for interview.

Employee : come with me 

Knock Knock

Seokjin : Come in ( cold tone -_- )

pov : They in enter in seokjin cabin.

Employee : Sir she is here for interview.

Seokjin : Hmm you can leave. ( cold tone )

Jimin : Hi beautiful lady 🌚.

Y/N : Hi 😉.

Seokjin : Ahem ahem ( throw a death glare on both )

Seokjin : What's you name ?

Y/N : Min. Yn

Seokjin : Your data ?

pov : Y//n give her data to seokjin

After sometimes 

Seokjin : Hm you may leave now. If I confirm your job I will inform you( without looking )

Y/N : sure sir ( cold wwh).

Seokjin : Did you said anything ?

Y/N : n..NO sir. Bye

After leave

Seokjin : hmm interesting ( smirk )

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