Chapter 1

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Six Years Ago

I was lying on the floor in my living room when the door opened and Khaotung walked in. I knew it was him because I recognized his perfume right when he entered the room.

Yup, he's obsessed with it.

"You made no sense on the phone Mix."

This news did not surprise me. I was more than a little distraught and miserable just now for anyone to understand me.

"Tell me exactly what happened." He ordered.

I didn't lift my head off the hardwood floor and remain still in my position as I'm explaining what happened to my best friend.

"I went to meet Earth at the arrival gate at Suvarnabhumi Airport, and he was kissing her."



"His partner?"


"Are you kidding?"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" I asked him. As I was still remain lying on the floor in the middle of my condo, I was hopping he'd get it.

"Shit." Ok, he got it. Because Khaotung isn't a man who like to curse.

I let out a long sigh. I was a mess.


"And what?"

"And what did he say when you confronted him?" I snorted.

"He said they'd been in love for a while; he just could never figure out the best time to tell me."

He sounded like he was going to hyperventilate. I tilted my head back so I could see him.


"Fuck! Mix." He was taking the betrayal almost worse than I was.

"Sit down." I told him because he was making me nervous,
"and put your head between your legs before you pass out. Take shallow breaths."

"Oh God." He gagged.

As I watched him flop down on my grey couch and put his head as I told him, I smiled for the first time in three days. Leave it to my friend to out-diva me. He was much more dramatic than I would ever be.

"You alright?" I asked him after a few minutes of listening to him breathe.

"When should he have told you? When should he... I'll tell you when fuckin' Earth Pirapat should have told you - maybe right before you risk your studies and got pregnant with his sperm so that you two could have a baby together!" He roared angrily, the bitterness there in his voice.

Yes, I am a bearer.

Earth knows, and even we aware that the chances were slightest, we both were hoping a miracle will happened and we were grant with a child of our own. I am still on my studies to be a veterinarian but we just go with the flow since we never know what future's hold.

And that day has come, I am three month pregnant with our or should I say my baby.

"I didn't tell him."

"What?" He shouted at me after a minute or so delay.

"Sit up and look at me Mix!"

I moved just enough for what I was doing to be called sitting. It was more of a slouch.

"What part didn't you tell him?"

"Any of it."

"You didn't tell Earth that you are pregnant? That's the part you didn't tell him?"

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