
"Come on, Hap, you can't possibly be mad at me, right now. I got here on time, I brought all my luggage, I have my suit, I've literally done nothing wrong."

"You are so like your father, it's unbelievable. I hate it. You were supposed to be picking Peter up with me, so I wouldn't be alone with the kid," Happy complained.

"So, I gave you time to bond? Big deal! I had an actual crisis!"

"Crisis, constituting, what, exactly?" Happy said, lazily, as if he already expected some dumb reply.

"I couldn't decide what shoes to wear," Amara said, pouting. Of course, she didn't tell him the actual reason why she hadn't come to pick Peter up. She didn't have the courage to face him so soon.

"I'm done. I can't believe Tony dumped me with you kids. In fact, no, If I'm gonna have to be stuck on a 7 hour flight with you both, at the very least, I should be able to sit as far away as possibly from all of you," Happy grumbled and got up, sitting near the front of the plane, instead.

That was when Peter came out of the bathroom and walked right past Amara, not even looking at her. That stung a little bit, for sure, but she understood.

Then Peter sat down right opposite Happy, and despite the initial sting of Peter's coldness, Amara found herself giggling. Peter's comedic timing was impeccable, albeit, unintentionally. And the look on Happy's face - even if she couldn't see it because he was facing away from her - she could imagine it, and it was priceless. Plus, the added bonus of Peter having his camcorder out, only added to Amara's amusement.

"Is that where you're gonna sit?" Happy asked.

"Yeah," Peter replied, innocently.

Happy paused for a moment, "This is your first time on a private plane?" Happy asked.

"My first time on any plane," Peter admitted.

Happy got up and left shortly after that, to go and sit near the back, still away from Amara, but she didn't mind, she was planning on giving Peter some time to cool down, maybe the first hour of the journey, and then, hopefully, he'll be more in the mood to talk after that.

A few minutes later, they were instructed to put their seatbelts on and the plane began to move into position, getting ready to take off. The engine whirred, getting louder and louder and when she looked over at Peter, Amara noticed that he looked quite worried. Then she remembered: this is his first time on an airplane.

Not two seconds later, Peter addressed Happy, "Hey, should it-? Should it be-? Should it be making that noise?"

Happy rolled his eyes.

"Happy? Happy," Peter said.

Amara answered him, "Peter it's fine. It's just the engine."

He looked at her for a split second, before nodding, clearly unconvinced. He looked straight ahead, his eyebrows scrunched and Amara noticed his hands gripping the arms on his seat.

She sighed before undoing her seatbelt and standing up and walking over to Peter.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked worriedly.

"I know you're mad, but I'm also your friend and I can tell when you're scared," Amara said.

"I'm not scared, who says I'm scared?" Peter scoffed.

"Those innocent armrests that you're throttling the life out of," she pointed at his hands and he instantly loosened his grip. "Can I sit?" She gestured to the window seat next to him.

Babysitting a Superhero (Stark's daughter X Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now