Chapter 1

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Disclaimer this is the first fanfic I've ever written so I'm sorry if it sucks. P.S this fanfic takes place in the early 2010's aka when mbav came out

-y/n pov

It was 6:50 when I woke up I knew I would most likely be late to school. Great I thought to myself late for the first day of freshman year. I hopped out of bed and walked to my closet and looked at my clothes I grabbed the first things I saw that looked decent to wear

 I hopped out of bed and walked to my closet and looked at my clothes I grabbed the first things I saw that looked decent to wear

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(That's the outfit you grab You can change it to whatever you want though)

I ran down stairs grabbing a piece of toast and my backpack. I walked out the door hoping I'd still be on time. I walked down the street as someone came behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I whipped around to see Rory standing there.

"Don't do that! You scared me" I scolded him

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He responded with

"Why are here don't you usually go with Ethan and Benny?"

"Oh yeah they blew me off though."

"Oh, well we're gonna be late so if we can walk and talk that would be nice."

"Oh yeah of course!"

We walked having absurd conversations about marvel that I didn't fully understand. Me and Rory have been friends since diapers but lately I don't know what it is but I feel different around him. He droned on until we got to school and we realized we only had one class together and it was math at the end of the day we parted ways and I saw the guys from drama club being weird as always. I got a weird vibe from them I swear one time I saw this dude jessi drinking blood out of a water bottle. But I could be crazy.

I walked to my first class and sat down I ignored most of the lesson and just daydreamed before I knew it was already lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and sat next to Rory,Ethan and Benny they were talking about ethan now having a babysitter after a couple snarky remarks I felt Rorys leg touching mine I knew it was a accident but I felt like heaven on earth. I looked at him and he realized and quickly moved his leg. The bell rang and we walked to our next class it was separate and we felt like the teachers knew us and made sure we didn't have classes together I swear I kept time traveling. Because the day was going by so fast and before I knew it, it was math class.

Me and Rory sat next to each other and talked the whole class he explained that he was invited to a senior party. I was so confused the nerdiest of nerds was invited to a senior party?! I was astonished we talked and talked until the final bell rang and we began to walk home.

"I can't wait! I'm going to a senior party." Rary exclaimed very happily
"I know I don't believe it I thought beeny would be invited to something like that before you would." I snarkilly replied
"Yeah I guess."
"Who's throwing it?"
"Kids from the drama club."

I sank I got a very bad feeling as we went are separate ways not sure why but something didn't feel right.

-time skip to the next day-

Rory had went to a senior party last night and I missed him usually after the first day of school we have a movie night but he went to some party instead. I got dressed for school

(Again change it to whatever you want if u don't like it)

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(Again change it to whatever you want if u don't like it)

I showed up to school and saw Rory hanging out with the drama club and he looked wicked different. I walked up to him.

"Rory can I talk to you?" I asked
"Yeah of course!" He responded
"What happened you look really different?"
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Yeah if course."

He looked around and then turned to me and flashed vampire fangs I felt nauseous.

"Those are fake right?!" I asked loudly
"Nope and quiet down!" He yelled
"Rory your a vampire?!"
"Yeah got turned last night at that party."

I walked off and needed to think of what I just found out Rory was a vampire it hit like a bullet but I'm not complaining he was really attractive as a vampire. I didn't talk to him all day and didn't text him, late that night I heard something at my window I opened the curtains and saw Rory floating there he smiled and tried to ask me if he could come in but i couldn't hear him i opened my window and he flew in. Rory grabbed my hands and I lit up he looked me in the eyes and said I can explain

The next hour he went on a rant apologizing and messily explaining things. I looked at him in disbelief still not sure what to think of it. He smiled and shrugged I didn't know what to say I was speechless I looked up and his blonde hair was slightly in front of his face. I looked at him and moved the hair

"It's okay Rory." I told him

He wrapped his arms around me and tightly embraced me and I hugged him back then let go and looked me dead in the eyes, I could feel the tension, he leaned in and grabbed my waist.....

To be continued

Hi I hope this chapter wasn't horrible I would love feedback also sry for leaving it on a cliff hanger I'm beyond tired.

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