9: Team Bonding

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You had been in your room listening to music and relaxing before the busy evening

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

You had been in your room listening to music and relaxing before the busy evening. You were alone with your thoughts for the first time in a few days. You were singing away to your playlist and scrolling through your phone. You're met with the picture you took of Leah in your hoodie. You held down on the photo as it played out the live. You felt yourself uncontrollably smiling from ear to ear. How has this happened? Going from somewhat strangers to whatever this was in less than a week was crazy. You'd already been intimate with her multiple times. You held her in your arms for nearly 2 hours while she slept, you gave away your favourite hoodie without a second thought, you had your own hand squeeze signal, and you got up in front of the whole fucking team and sang her favourite song for her. You realised that yes, you obviously liked her, you really liked her, and some may say you really liked her. What started as a deal to be there for her when she needed had turned into this? Was this just a part of the deal for her? Will this all end tomorrow when you arrive back in London? Have you fallen too deep into this and need to understand what it actually was?

Your mind was spiralling when your phone pinged continuously loudly.


Arsenal Players Chat

[Kim little: Jonas wanted me to tell you all that bowling is from 5pm-6:30pm, the team meal is booked at a steak restaurant at 6:45pm, and then the night is ours. He wanted me to remind everyone that the flight tomorrow is at 5:30pm, so we'll leave for the airport at 3pm.]

Most of the replies consisted of thumbs up, Thank yous, and party emojis.


[Katie McCabe: Leah throws up in a plant pot 2.0]

[Leah Williamson: Haha no.]


You both had told each other throughout the week that you liked each other, so what was the problem? Maybe you didn't want to admit that you were feeling more. And that it was too quick, and you'll instantly scare her away. You carried your thoughts into the shower, thoroughly washing your hair and having a pamper. In your more reserved shower thoughts, for once, you decided to push the feelings under the surface and see how the next few weeks played out. Honestly, you just thought you were panicking because you felt too lucky and didn't know what you had done to deserve to have Leah in your life. Whether that's friends or more, you were beyond grateful. And that is how you were going to keep it.

You had plenty of time to get ready; the only thing was you didn't pack going out out clothes as such. You made do with what you had before drying and then slightly waving it. You also made an effort with your make-up but tried to keep it as natural as possible. As always, you were too keen and were ready way too early. You carried on listening to your tunes before you were surprised to receive a text from a particular defender.

NLD Forever | Leah Williamson x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن